Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "affern"

Thanks! Now I have my database in Azure.

But now I get an "500 - The request timed out" error message.

I have followed these steps:

  1. Created a web application on azure.
  2. Created a database on azure.
  3. I added the database connection string for azure DB and put it in the Migrator project's appsettings.json and migrated the azure DB with migration tool. And I added my computer's public IP address to azure sql database's firewall list.
  4. Then I published the Host project to my app service on azure using Visual Studio's publish tool.
  5. I configured appsettings.Production.json for Host website (ConnectionString and WebSiteRootAddress)

Is there anyone here who has any suggestions to what I can do to move on?

<cite>affern: </cite> I'm trying to publish my solution to Azure but I have I'm not able to get it to work. I have followed the same instructions from this tutorial: <a class="postlink" href=""> ... qldatabase</a>.

I get this error message on the page: "An error occurred while starting the application. SqlException: Invalid object name 'AbpEditions'. System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, bool breakConnection, Action<Action> wrapCloseInAction)

SqlException: Invalid object name 'AbpEditions'."

This is because the database was not created.

Is there anything I have to configure in the appsettings file or other places to get this to work?

I found this information on a site: "Using Code First Migrations to Deploy the Database To deploy the database you'll use Code First Migrations. When you create the publish profile that you use to configure settings for deploying from Visual Studio, you'll select a check box labeled Update Database. This setting causes the deployment process to automatically configure the application Web.config file on the destination server so that Code First uses the MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion initializer class."

But I don't get any checkbox for Update database in the wizard. I'm running the publish wizard from the project.

I'm trying to publish my solution to Azure but I have I'm not able to get it to work. I have followed the same instructions from this tutorial: <a class="postlink" href=""> ... qldatabase</a>.

I get this error message on the page: "An error occurred while starting the application. SqlException: Invalid object name 'AbpEditions'. System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, bool breakConnection, Action<Action> wrapCloseInAction)

SqlException: Invalid object name 'AbpEditions'."

This is because the database was not created.

Is there anything I have to configure in the appsettings file or other places to get this to work?

<cite>aaron: </cite> @affern Summernote is used in MVC project's _Editor.cshtml.

PrimeNG Editor is now used in Angular project's demo-ui-editor.component.html as of Aug 2017. The suggestions above were made before that.

Thank you :) This works fine. Happy new year!! ;)

<cite>alirizaadiyahsi: </cite> Hi @affern,

Summernote is using in zero project. There is an example in DepoUIComponent.cshtml

I can't find this example in the zero project.

I have tried to follow the steps described here: <a class="postlink" href=""></a>, but I'm not able to get it to work in the zero project.

Thanks! :)

Hello. What do I have to do after I have installed a css package with Yarn? Is there any bundle file I have to insert a reference to the css?

I have solved my problem. The Id is not set on the client side. So I solved this by deleting order items in the database before I save and insert it again. Maybe not an ideal solution but it works. But I'm wondering is whether you have an example of how to use a combined key in an entity class and how this is handled in the service.

public async Task UpdateOrder(OrderInput input) { if (input.Id > 0) {
input.Status = OrderHelper.SetOrderStatus(input); var order = ObjectMapper.Map<Order>(input); order.CreatorUserId = AbpSession.UserId.Value; await _orderRepository.UpdateAsync(order); } }


I have a problem with duplicate values get inserted in sub entities when I update main entity because I don't use composite keys. Let say you have an Order class with many-to-many relationship to OrderItems:

public class Order : FullAuditedEntity<long> { public virtual ICollection<OrderItem> OrderItems { get; set; } }

How do I design the OrderItem class?

When I do this: public class OptionItem : FullAuditedEntity<long> {
public long OrderId { get; set; }
public string ItemText { get; set; } public int ItemValue { get; set; } }

then Entity Framework insert the same OptionItems in db everytime Order is updated. I wonder what is best practice in Asp.Net Zero framework to manage this? Shoud I use composite keys in the OptionItem class or should I handle this in a different way? I think it would be easy to have composite keys because then I can delete all items with OrderId before I update Order again. But I can't figure out how I implement this in Asp.Net Zero.

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