I want to add a table for maintaining Master Data - Example Currencies.
[Currencies] Id (PK) Code Symbol IsoCode NoOfDecimals
[CurrenciesText] Id(PK) CurrencyId(FK) LanguageId(FK) - from standard table DisplayName
If something like below can be achived using standard Languages(Under Administation) screen with the table as a source, that would be great.
[Currencies] Id (PK) Code Symbol IsoCode NoOfDecimals DisplayName LanguageId
Please advice?
This would make it really enterprise level.
Alternatively, I will have to use enums.
Best Regards, Vikas
Resolve issue using npm run create-bundles
I recently purchased AspZero and was trying out the demo project before downloading the actual project.
I followed the "Getting Started" guide .
Project is setup and databse created in Sql Server.
After loggin in as admin/123qwe, there is no login and following json is displayed.
Please advice.
Regards, Vikas