Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "ajayak"


I really appreciate the work and effort in building such a powerful framework. Framework contains all the features that any developer require to build a robust and stable application.

I was planning to build a cross platform application using Angular 2(in Electron shell) and ASP.NET Core. This framework looks good match. :)

Is there any active work going on to upgrade this framework to ASP.NET Core 1.1 or up? As I can analyze that ABP module uses Castle Windsor DI which does not support .NET Core. Also new .NET framework support DI out of the box. :)

That looks promising. I'll keep an eye on framework for the new .NET Core integration in this framework. Also, switching DI container is not an easy task. For now, I will start on my project with ABP 1.0.0 and by few months, hopefully someone will do the upgradation :D

Also I have checked other form posts and I guess ASP.NET Core with Angular 2 is rolling out very soon :D :D



Is there any way I can use ASP.NET Boilerplate Framework with Oracle DB?


I am following from ABP documents ([]))

I am able to use <ins>Postman</ins>to call services present in Application layer but when I call any method in Web layer, I am getting an exception. Also, API conventions are not working. I need to specify ControllerName/MethodName in url to execute the function.

<ins>Error Details:</ins> An unhandled exception occurred while processing the request. ComponentNotFoundException: No component for supporting the service AK.FinancialAccounting.Web.Controllers.HomeController was found Castle.MicroKernel.IKernelInternal.Resolve

I am trying to call ASP.NET Core controllers from Rest Client. As in ASP.NET Core, Controller and ApiController are merged and I can now use Controller as Web API.

I am currently using AspNetZero v4.2.0. As mentioned in the changelog []), there is an update available. How can I manually update the current solution? :)

I created a new project and getting this TSLint error in Webstorm and VSCode.

TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of undefined

TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of undefined at Rule.SelectorRule [as constructor] (E:\PrimePenguin\PrimePenguin.Web\node_modules\codelyzer\selectorNameBase.js:16:25) at new Rule (E:\PrimePenguin\PrimePenguin.Web\node_modules\codelyzer\directiveSelectorRule.js:12:28) at Object.loadRules (E:\PrimePenguin\PrimePenguin.Web\node_modules\tslint\lib\ruleLoader.js:47:24) at Linter.getEnabledRules (E:\PrimePenguin\PrimePenguin.Web\node_modules\tslint\lib\linter.js:197:29) at Linter.lint (E:\PrimePenguin\PrimePenguin.Web\node_modules\tslint\lib\linter.js:74:33) at TSLintPlugin.processLinting (C:\Program Files\JetBrains\WebStorm 2017.2.4\plugins\tslint\tslintLanguageService\tslint-plugin.js:76:20) at TSLintPlugin.getErrors (C:\Program Files\JetBrains\WebStorm 2017.2.4\plugins\tslint\tslintLanguageService\tslint-plugin.js:54:21) at TSLintPlugin.process (C:\Program Files\JetBrains\WebStorm 2017.2.4\plugins\tslint\tslintLanguageService\tslint-plugin.js:22:29) at TSLintPlugin.onMessage (C:\Program Files\JetBrains\WebStorm 2017.2.4\plugins\tslint\tslintLanguageService\tslint-plugin.js:40:27) at Interface.<anonymous> (C:\Program Files\JetBrains\WebStorm 2017.2.4\plugins\JavaScriptLanguage\jsLanguageServicesImpl\js-language-service.js:105:39) Process finished with exit code -1


After downloading the AspNetZero with Angular solution, I found that TsLint was not working. To fix that, I changed Codelyzer version to 5.0.1. I ran TsLint on the solution based on tslint.config present in the Angular solution and I found that there are more than 1000 warnings for the solution. These include warnings such as use of double quotes, max line length exceed etc.

I can fix all of these by myself but it would cause problems in solution upgradation in future. Is it possible for AspNetZero team to fix all the linting issues in next release?

I understand that the API is dynamically generated in AspNetZero solution. But can I set HttpPost attribute on any function? Also, I see that the Application project has no reference to AspNetCore.Mvc dll.

How can I read appsettings.json in AppService. Is there any way I can strongly type the appSettings.json configuration as in ASP.NET Core?

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