Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "alikareemraja"

<cite>hikalkan: </cite> Rename PostRepoistory to PostRepository than it will work.. typing mistake ;)

Ah, a typo. That's embarrassing :shock: . Thank you for the help guys!

<cite>Chrisk: </cite> Hi There,

Are you using EF for data access ? If so there is generic repository that you propably want to use. How do you register your repositories ?

Thank you for the quick response! This is my repository interface

public interface IPostRepository : IRepository<Post, Guid >

And this is my repository.

public class PostRepoistory : AMSRepositoryBase<Post, Guid>, IPostRepository
        public PostRepoistory(IDbContextProvider<AMSDbContext> dbContextProvider)
            : base(dbContextProvider)

Hope this makes things more clear

Stupid mistake on my end. Removed <script src="~/api/AbpServiceProxies/GetAll"></script> which was causing the issue :)

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