Hi @mmukkara,
Maybe you had seen official documents: ASPNET ZERO documents in HERE
Actually ASPNET Zero is using open source framework that named AspNetBoilerplate. And you can see the full TECHNOLOGY STACK, NAMING CONVENTIONS AND STANDARDS at it's document: <a class="postlink" href="https://aspnetboilerplate.com/Pages/Documents">https://aspnetboilerplate.com/Pages/Documents</a>
If this information not enough for you, you can ask/suggest for more.
Hi @Mdonogma,
There is a lot of advice about Xamarin from our customers. We will consider all these advices. And we will set up a roadmap. Thanks for valuable advices.
Hi @Mdonogma,
We doesn't support social logins(and lots of other features) for Xamarin Client. It has a very basic set of features. Xamarin app guides you how to develop a mobile application integrated with AspNetZero.
Hi @Khai,
Could you share your related code?
Hi @Velu,
We updated all samples. You can download from here: <a class="postlink" href="https://github.com/aspnetzero/aspnet-zero-samples">https://github.com/aspnetzero/aspnet-zero-samples</a>
@GBadenhorst, you are right. But actually we think that development guides and aspnetboilerplate.com documents are detailed enough for extend/change existing functionality.
Hi @BertusVanZyl ,
Which version/type(angular or mvc) of product are you using?
Hi @Kythor,
You cannot run/debug angular project from VS. Angular project is running with using Angular-CLI. For debugging check following links.
<a class="postlink" href="https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18782069/how-to-debug-angular-javascript-code">https://stackoverflow.com/questions/187 ... cript-code</a> <a class="postlink" href="https://www.pluralsight.com/guides/front-end-javascript/debugging-angular-2-applications">https://www.pluralsight.com/guides/fron ... plications</a>
Hi @buddhit,
When was the last time you downloaded it? (which version also I mean)
Hi @drenton
to update notification count without page reloading you can use SignalR like chat feature (ChatHub.cs). SignalR is referenced in project. But SignalR.Core stable version is not released yet.