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Activities of "alirizaadiyahsi"

Hi @rev319303,

Actually there isn't a detailed doc. Subscription management already built into application (for core project). If tenants want to register, they will see the price table(editions). You are just adding editions (with price or free).

In appsetting.json file, there are paypal settings. If you configure them, your application will work with subscription.


Also could you check folder read/write access?

Hi @pankajmathu,

There is a method that named createDateRangePickerOptions to set default options in this file: >*.Web.Mvc\wwwroot\Common_Bundles\common-scripts.js

There is an example usage in this file: >*.Web.Mvc\wwwroot\view-resources\Areas\AppAreaName\Views_Bundles\tenant-index-libs.js

Hi @affern,

Summernote is using in zero project. There is an example in DepoUIComponent.cshtml


Hi @jbalda,

Metronic is a set of third party front end libraries. And we use Metronic Admin 4 theme. This is the Admin4 theme site: <a class="postlink" href=""></a> There are examples and tutorials of each libraries (there is a link to document that is used in the page).

Hi @GeovaniMartinez,

Thanks for report, we will check this. Also I created an issue for this: <a class="postlink" href=""> ... issues/542</a>

Hi @dmali,

You must use VS2017 v15.3.3 or newer version.

Check this: #3982@32380b50-9ed1-4b3f-94c0-10b0bbd06a9e

Hi Mdonogma,

We tested on local docker and we don't support different configured docker servers. This support is just a starting point for docker.

Also, you can check this article more detail: <a class="postlink" href=""> ... Core-Templ</a>


Hi @evadmin,

I can't reproduce your issue. Did you change anything? Which version of project did you test? Could you try latest version of project?

Hi @Hakan,

First, be sure to connect remote sql server from your computer. Try to connect sql server with 'sa' user, from project. Actually, this is completely about sql server configuration. Could you check this : <a class="postlink" href=""> ... n-disabled</a>

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