Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "alirizaadiyahsi"


it is possible to change existing entities. Check this document: <a class="postlink" href=""> ... g-Entities</a>


Did you add CRMNavigationProvider to Module? Check this document: Registering Navigation Provider

You can do this with logging in as tenant. Then you can edit tenant user that you impersonate its tenant.

  • Tenants>Actions>Logins as this tenant
  • Users>Actions>Edit
  • Change password


SignalR Core not released yet like EF Core 2. After they released, we scheduled them.



Entity Framework 2.0 not released yet. So we have not a plan yet.

abp.setting.get() is in ABP framework. All templates uses this framework. So you can use this method if it is necessary.


Could you share PersonAppService code?


you should be able to use abp.setting.get(). What error are you getting?



follow these steps (like unmerged project)

  • set Host project as startup.
  • in package manager console run "update-database" when EFCore project is selected.
  • run host project.
  • run "yarn" and then "npm-start" in location ".../Host"

Actually it is same with unmerged project. Only one difference; in merged solution, you are running angular commands in host project folder. <a class="postlink" href=""> ... ed-Angular</a>

Yes, we use server side rest integration. <a class="postlink" href=""> ... tegration/</a>

Showing 211 to 220 of 369 entries