Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "alliance225"

Gave the same project to a colleague and he ran it with no problem.

So I reinstalled my system and it worked.

This is when I first ran the command

Yes, these files are generated. I did run npm run create-bundles many times.

Hello, thanks for your help.

I changed the job signature to this:

public class UpdateStatsVentesMoisJob : AsyncBackgroundJob<StatsVentesMoisJobArgs>, ITransientDependency

Then I created this under DocuPro.Application/DomainServices

using Abp.Domain.Repositories; using DocuPro.CommonBases; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using Stripe; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace DocuPro.DomainServices { public class DomaineServiceDatabaseFunctions: IDomaineServiceDatabaseFunctions {

	private readonly IRepository&lt;Periode&gt; _periodeRepository;
	private readonly ILogger&lt;DomaineServiceDatabaseFunctions&gt; _logger;

	public DomaineServiceDatabaseFunctions(IRepository&lt;Periode&gt; periodeRepository, ILogger&lt;DomaineServiceDatabaseFunctions&gt; logger)
		_periodeRepository = periodeRepository;
		_logger = logger;

	public async Task UpdateStatsVentesMois(int periodeId)
		var periode = await _periodeRepository.GetAsync(periodeId);
		if (periode == null)
			_logger.LogWarning($"UpdateStatsVentesMois. Periode with Id {periodeId} not found.");

		_logger.LogInformation($"UpdateStatsVentesMois. Periode with Id {periodeId} WAS found.");

		// Other logic...


But when I execute I get:

WARN 2024-03-04 12:10:33,578 [38 ] .DomainServices.UpdateStatsVentesMoisJob - UpdateStatsVentesMoisJob. Job STARTED. ERROR 2024-03-04 12:10:33,756 [43 ] .DomainServices.UpdateStatsVentesMoisJob - An error occurred while executing UpdateStatsVentesMoisJob for PeriodeId 146. Abp.Domain.Entities.EntityNotFoundException: There is no such an entity. Entity type: DocuPro.CommonBases.Periode, id: 146 at Abp.Domain.Repositories.AbpRepositoryBase`2.GetAsync(TPrimaryKey id) at DocuPro.DomainServices.DomaineServiceDatabaseFunctions.UpdateStatsVentesMois(Int32 periodeId) in C:\Apps\MedicPro Fevrier\MedicPro.All\src\DocuPro.Application\DomainServices\DomaineServiceDatabaseFunctions.cs:line 28

Weird, as you can see, it is not filtering. Maybe because of some migrations?

I have also sent you the packpac.

Maybe you can also send me the application with the migrations that were disabled.

Hello, sorry I am sending again the project because I had some lines commented out while debugging.

Hi, there

I have sent the project via email.

The issue is with https://localhost:44302/App/Visas

Hello, sorry was away for a while.

No ProduitLibelle is a regular model propertie.

public class Produit : AuditedEntity, IMayHaveTenant { public int? TenantId { get; set; }

 public virtual string Libelle { get; set; }

 public virtual string Code { get; set; }

 public virtual bool Sommeil { get; set; }=false;

 public virtual double PrixAchat { get; set; }

 public virtual int? MoleculeId { get; set; }

 public Molecule MoleculeFk { get; set; }

 public virtual int? ClasseTherapeutiqueId { get; set; }

 public ClasseTherapeutique ClasseTherapeutiqueFk { get; set; }

 public virtual int? CategoryId { get; set; }

 public Category CategoryFk { get; set; }


public class Pays : AuditedEntity, IMayHaveTenant
    public int? TenantId { get; set; }

    public virtual string Libelle { get; set; }

    public virtual int ReseauId { get; set; }

    public Reseau ReseauFk { get; set; }


public class Visa : FullAuditedEntity, IMayHaveTenant { public int? TenantId { get; set; }

  public virtual string Numero { get; set; }

  public virtual DateTime DateObtention { get; set; }

  public virtual DateTime DateValidite { get; set; }

  public virtual Guid? Fichier { get; set; } //File, (BinaryObjectId)

  public virtual int ProduitId { get; set; }

  public Produit ProduitFk { get; set; }

  public virtual int PaysId { get; set; }

  public Pays PaysFk { get; set; }


Sample Produit values:

361 1 ARTEDIAM 400MG CPR B/12 ARTE154 False 40761 NULL NULL 2023-10-28 20:37:48.9148423 NULL NULL NULL 1,82 363 1 ARTEDIAM 75MG/5ML SP F/30ML ARTE156 False 40761 NULL NULL 2023-10-28 20:37:48.9148426 NULL NULL NULL 1,35 364 1 CEVIT VIT C 100MG CPR B/10 CEVI102 False 40766 NULL NULL 2023-10-28 20:37:48.9148427 NULL NULL NULL 0,53 367 1 OXAPEN 500MG CPR B/12 OXAP105 False 42041 NULL NULL 2023-10-28 20:37:48.9148428 NULL NULL NULL 1,6


Thanks for the clear and thorough answer. Chose option 1 and it worked.

Yes, that did it. Thanks

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