While testing in development, our website runs just fine. However, when deployed onto IIS, we constantly get redirected back to the login page (/Account/Login?ReturnUrl=%2FApp). We've checked numerous possible sources of error, including config files, authorizations, and routing, but are not able to find the cause of the issue.
We have 2 questions: 1 - How can we access database context within pages (.cshtml), and also a console application?
2 - We have found several lines of code incorrectly using Linq, and so raise exceptions, at the following locations: .Application\Auditing\AuditLogAppService.cs - Line 50 .Application\LocalizationLanguageAppService.cs - Line 167 .Application\Organizations\OrganizationUnitAppService.cs - Line 64 .Application\MultiTenancy\TenantAppService.cs - Line 38 .Application\AuthorizationUserAppService.cs - Line 99 .Application\Authorization\UserLinkAppService.cs - Line 136