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Activities of "altrb"


I was following the pattern in the CodeProject article on using Effort with Abp []) and have it all working and some 100 green unit tests. The problem is though that the test suite now takes a long time to run. I did some profiling on my code and found that the bulk of the time is spent in the AbpBootstrapper.Initialize() code

var bootstrapper = new AbpBootstrapper(LocalIocManager);

Since the environment is re-created for each UT, and the init time takes 0.4 seconds, my suite that recently took some 13 seconds now take more like 45. Seems to me the reason is that each UT now causes all modules to be loaded and initialized including the standard call to


...a lot of disk access which adds up. Might be other things too.

Any ideas on how to speed up things?

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