yes i did , but apparently google blocked my email because i attached a zip file , anyway i have sent it again with a google drive url , thank you
hi @ismcagdas ok i have sent it with this subject -- > "ui project ( to ismcagdas )" thank you.
hello @ismcagdas, it's ok thank you,
for the node_modules folder , yes i have deleted it them install npm packages, but still the same error.
here is the full error ---->
ng : At line:1 char:1
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:String) [], RemoteException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError
ERROR in 1049.81cd376bfbeee41bcebb.js from UglifyJs undefined ERROR in scripts.e75fa26f6e8588a20b31.js from UglifyJs undefined
thank you again.
any thoughts ?
any thoughts ?
hello all , when i use 'ng build' ----> it works fine without errors, and dist folder successfully generated but when i use 'ng build --prod' ----> it fails with the following errors :-
please help !
Hi I've tried to use the power tool for the first time, apparently the back end files generated successfully, however I got error for angular files. I am using DotNetcore with angular and my project is separated to two solution UI and BE.
The log is:
-> ExpensesAppService.cs is being generated.
-> IExpensesAppService.cs is being generated.
-> ExpenseConsts.cs is being generated.
-> CreateOrEditExpenseDto.cs is being generated.
-> ExpenseDto.cs is being generated.
-> GetAllExpensesForExcelInput.cs is being generated.
-> GetAllForLookupTableInput.cs is being generated.
-> GetAllExpensesInput.cs is being generated.
-> GetExpenseForView.cs is being generated.
-> GetExpenseForEditOutput.cs is being generated.
-> Expense.cs is being generated.
-> ExpensesExcelExporter.cs is being generated.
-> IExpensesExcelExporter.cs is being generated.
-> AppPermissions.cs is being modified.
-> AppAuthorizationProvider.cs is being modified.
-> SmartOpticalDbContext.cs is being modified.
-> CustomDtoMapper.cs is being modified.
Running add-migration...
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Successfully installed the ASP.NET Core HTTPS Development Certificate.
To trust the certificate (Windows and macOS only) first install the dev-certs tool by running 'dotnet install tool dotnet-dev-certs -g --version 2.1.0-preview1-final' and then run 'dotnet-dev-certs https --trust'.
For more information on configuring HTTPS see [](
No executable found matching command "dotnet-ef"
Running update-database...
No executable found matching command "dotnet-ef"
-> expenses.component.ts is being generated.
-> expenses.component.html is being generated.
-> create-or-edit-expense-modal.component.html is being generated.
-> create-or-edit-expense-modal.component.ts is being generated.
-> view-expense-modal.component.html is being generated.
-> view-expense-modal.component.ts is being generated.
Warning : File not found => \..\..\angular\src\app\main\main.module.ts
Warning : File not found => \..\..\angular\src\app\main\main-routing.module.ts
Warning : File not found => \..\..\angular\src\app\shared\layout\nav\app-navigation.service.ts
Warning : File not found => \..\..\angular\src\shared\service-proxies\service-proxy.module.ts
-> SmartOptical.xml is being modified.
Code generation is complete. Press ENTER to exit...