Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "amrsaafan"


when trying to send notification to subscribed users on a specific permission it only works when this permission is global not on permissions assigned to tenant.

When trying to add a notification with a tenant permission it doesn't work.. only works with host's permission..

How we can fix this?


After created the custom filter in the application the application run correct but in unit test I have this exception , FYI I fill the value of parameter of filter inside the interceptor [attachment=0:142pu9nd]test.png[/attachment:142pu9nd]



How to call the interceptor which is created in application service layer from Web MVC Controller?



We have 2 questions:

How to add a new columns in AbpAuditLogs? How to override on log process to log another info?

How to add permission in the run time like the pages node in the permission tree as we need to add organizations node in the same level of the pages node and under organizations the each organization will have sub as department? so permission tree will be like this: +Pages -Organizations -Organization 1 -Department 1 -Department 2 -Department 3 -Organization 2 -Department 1 -Department 2 -Department 3 +Organization 3 Etc.....


How to use AbpSession in the Global.asax in another words I want to set the current tenant ID based on the subdomain segment and I do that in Application_BeginRequest but I faced a problem that how to set tenant ID of the current AbpSession.

This could be for unauthenticated requests.


What is the best practice of updating ABP version on TFS including nugets and template files on already existing project?

We are using aspnetBoilerPlate 0.9 for an exsting project. We are using Visual Studio Online TFS as source control. We need to take advantage of 0.9.1 update Is it enough to update Nugets only? and what about Template Files? Do we have to download new template and make a new branch from the Trunk?

Please Advise.


How can I disable logins & authorization for aspnetboilerplate and allow anonymous users to my view? I am using version 9.1.1 up to date. I removed [AbpMVcAuthorize] but it is throwing an error : User did not login

Also I've a weired issue, when calling webApi proxy of application service "getDetails", it is executing in first time but when I execute $state.go('') to make a back button then I click again on details : Ajax call request failed, I have traced the issue and I got nothing

I have considered the EventCloud Source as a reference but same structure.

Please Advise.

Showing 21 to 28 of 28 entries