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Hi ismcagdas

No we do not need to go to mobile app. All we need is the user to have IsEmailComfirmed set to true after they click the URL or button in activation email. One thing I have to mention is that we have deployed two web apps on Azure. One is for back-end and another is for Angular front-end, so we can modfity tenancy settings/permissions etc.. However the react native mobile app will be consuming the API end points.

When I look at the URl above (

the site base URL "" is pointing to the back-end site, and not the front-end angular app. That is why the 404 is trhown. I believe its assuming that the back-end and front end are deployed on the same URL.

I have used the following link to deploy to Azure

Thank you for response.

Acutualy we are creating our own mobile app using React native that will consume ASP.Net Zero back-end. How does the flow look like for email confirmation?

Can we use the existing back-end methonds for email confirmations? Perhabs the "/api/services/app/Account/SendEmailActivationLink" and "/api/services/app/Account/SendEmailActivationLink" endpoints?


Hi @ismcagdas,

For step 5 that you explained, is the end point on ASP.NET Zero /api/TokenAuth/ExternalAuthenticate? We have setup the social logins for the three apps below and this this what it returns

Facebook returns: id,email,image,name,first_name,last_name

Twitter returns: {"authToken","authTokenSecret","email","name", "userID", "userName"}

Google returns: {"email", "first_name","id", "image", "last_name", "name"}

Seems only one returns a authToken. Just wanted to make sure that is the only end point the front end needs to hit for getting AspNet Zero token

Thanks agian for your time

Also I forgot to mention that everthing works locally. Its only when I try to open the website on azure after transefring the files to server via FTP that I see the error.

** Timer.RunOnStart = true; **

Do I set this to false for all of the 3 classes?

Thank you for answer. I have found the files on the project. One last question, how do I disable them all together?

Below is the new error I get after deployment.

One thing I have mention is that I downloaded the publish profile from azure and i imported it to visual studio 2019. Also I do not have or need the angular web app. I just want to deploy the back end. Here is what my appsettings.production.json looks like. As you can see I only set the serverrootaddress and not the other 2. Also I get a new error screen when publish is finished. I have attached the photo below

{ "ConnectionStrings": { "Default": "; Initial Catalog=xxxxxxx;User ID=xxxxxx;Password=xxxxxxxxxx;" }, "App": { "ServerRootAddress": "", "ClientRootAddress": "http://localhost:4200/", "CorsOrigins": "http://localhost:9902" } }

Hi Team,

I have tried deploying my ASP.NET core 3.x angular app to azure. I have followed given documentation ( I only want to do a web deploy as I have already configured my database. I created a web app with runtime stack of .NET Core 3.1 (LTS). After that I downloaded the publish profile, I publisehd the project. The publish was successfull but when the page opens up I get the following error : "HTTP 500 error". I have looked at my project target frameworknd its set to .NET Core 3.1 which matches the web app I created. Not sure what else I need to do. I have attached the image of what I see when the website opens up. Also I can navigate to swagger page ( but when I try to get token or call any of the endpoints I get "InternalServerError"

{ "result": null, "targetUrl": null, "success": false, "error": { "code": 0, "message": "InternalServerError", "details": null, "validationErrors": null }, "unAuthorizedRequest": false, "__abp": true }

EntityFramework.DynamicFilters is v1.4.11.0 in my project.

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