Thank you for response.
Acutualy we are creating our own mobile app using React native that will consume ASP.Net Zero back-end. How does the flow look like for email confirmation?
Can we use the existing back-end methonds for email confirmations? Perhabs the "/api/services/app/Account/SendEmailActivationLink" and "/api/services/app/Account/SendEmailActivationLink" endpoints?
Hi Team,
We have recently downloaded the ASP.Net Core 3x with Anguylar 9.x (version 8.6). I have triggered the "/api/services/app/Account/SendEmailActivationLink" and I have recieved the activation email successfully but when I click the "Verify" button, I get navigated to a page with 404 on screen as shown by screen shot below. I have also tried to copy paste the link below in the email as suggested (screen shot below), and still get to same error. When I take a closer look in the URL (
I can see that its trying to hit the "confirm-email" endpoint under the account controller, however I do not see that mehod in the back-end. The only end-point that makes sense under account controller is "/api/services/app/Account/ActivateEmail" where its takes UserID,ComfirmationCode and C. But if I wanna hit the "/api/services/app/Account/ActivateEmail" endpoint what confirmation code do I use in request body? I do not see any confirmation code in the email. In the URL send in email I can see that the string paramater C is passed. Do I need to use that string? Decode/Encode?
I also have to mention that were still using the demo project to do our dev work. Not sure if that has a effect on anything. Can you please let me know what I need to do?
Hi @ismcagdas,
For step 5 that you explained, is the end point on ASP.NET Zero /api/TokenAuth/ExternalAuthenticate? We have setup the social logins for the three apps below and this this what it returns
Facebook returns: id,email,image,name,first_name,last_name
Twitter returns: {"authToken","authTokenSecret","email","name", "userID", "userName"}
Google returns: {"email", "first_name","id", "image", "last_name", "name"}
Seems only one returns a authToken. Just wanted to make sure that is the only end point the front end needs to hit for getting AspNet Zero token
Thanks agian for your time
Hi Team,
We have recently download the ASP.Net Core 3x with Anguylar 9.x (version 8.6). I have set up the two factor authentication successfully. But there is no way for users to enter there phone number upon registration or even after they log in. The "My settings" page under profile is missing the phone number. The only place where I can enter a phone number for user is from the tenant administration under the "Users" tab page where we can edit all users. Here I can add phone number for user but however the phone number is not validated. I had to set that manualy from the database. I have seen a similar question on here ( which the answer said "Please enable Phone number verification enabled (via SMS)" under the tenant settings user management tab. But I do not see that option under the single tenant settigs as shown by screen shot below
Hi Team,
We have recently download the ASP.Net Core 3x with Anguylar 9.x (version 8.6) and we deployed the solutin to azure using release mode. I have set the AllowTenantsToChangeEmailSettings to true in the YourProjectNameConsts.cs under the *.Core.Shared project. Looking at a previous users questoin answere via ASP.NET zero team, i have set the following setting on the Email(SMTP) tab under admin -> settings,
Default from (sender) email address: Set to address of choice Default from (sender) display name: Set to address of choice SMTP host: SMTP port: 587 Use SSL: unchecked Use default credentials: unchecked Domain name: User name: Your SendGrid Username Password: Your SendGrid Password
but no matter what I set when I click the "Send Test Email" button under the Email(SMTP) tab under admin -> settings, I get "An internal error occurred during your request!" error. As shown on screenshot below
Is there anyting I have missed?
Hi Team,
I can see that ASP.NET Zero supports Two Factor Authentication, and I can see how to enable those using the Angular application.We wanted to implement Two Factor Authentication on our own mobile app using React native. Given I have enabled two factor authentication using the tenant adminstration page. Can you please describe the flow that needs to be implemented?
Hi Team,
We have recently download the ASP.Net Core 3x with Anguylar 9.x (version 8.6) . I want to add the ngx-plaid-link angular module to my front end project. Looking at this following instalation steps from
I have ran the "yarn add ngx-plaid-link" command for instalation. And now I need to know which module do I import the NgxPlaidLinkModule to? Is it "app.module.ts" or "main.module.ts" in the angular folder?
I notice that ASP.NET Zero supports some Social Logins and I can see how to enable those using the Angular application. However, is it possible to do the same thing if we develop our own mobile app using React native? What would be the proper way to enable social logins on a mobile web app?
Also I forgot to mention that everthing works locally. Its only when I try to open the website on azure after transefring the files to server via FTP that I see the error.
Hi Team,
We have recently download the ASP.Net Core 3x with Anguylar 9.x (version 8.6) and we deployed the DB on Sql Azure. I added a few pages on the front end and I followed the deployedment documentaion in the folllwoing link
I created 2 web apps as stated by the documentation and it was working. After that I added a new page and ran the exact process as stated by documentation but I started to get "The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred." when I navigate to the front end web app. After that I removed the newly added pages and reverted to the point where it was working. But now no mmater what I keep getting the same "The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred." error when I navigate to website for front end. I have also added remote debuggin to the back-end and see if the application breaks on the startup.cs class or any of the API end points but I have not had any success. I was wondering if there is setting or something I can set to see more information. Or even setup debuggin on front end. Just seeing the "The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred." error does not tell my anyting about where the problem is happending. Was wondering if you had any suggestions or if you have seen similar problmes before.
Thank you for your time