Base solution for your next web application
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Activities of "antonis"


As I mentioned If you setup the same ports for both the client and server and try to run from Visual Studio it should work the same way like in production. They are both using IIS Express so there is no difference.


They should run under the same port not different ports. When you also deploy they must run under the same port again (No Cors)

This is the purpose of the merged project and not just have the code under one solution only.


I cannot run the solution from visual studio using the same port?

e.g client and server both listen to 22742



This guide is about merging client and server projects. I have downloaded an already merged solution but I cant run it and there is not guide about it.



Thanks for your reply.

Unfortunately I cannot find anything in the document on how to work on the merged solution. I created the database using the Migrator but when I run the project in VS (<a class="postlink" href="http://localhost:22742">http://localhost:22742</a>) I get 404. Even If I enter (<a class="postlink" href="http://localhost:22742/index.html">http://localhost:22742/index.html</a>) I still get 404

Yes it would be good to have some more details about .NET Core 2.0

Thanks a lot. That did the trick.

Please consider writing a guide on how to publish to production. It will be very useful. Not just for database migration but for the entire process. client, server database etc..

My version is 1.0.4 but I dont think that this is causing the problem. Here is what I did. I set the Migrator project as startup project build and then in the folder Release folder of the Migrator project I only see the files in the attachment.

I run

C:\Temp\netcoreapp1.1>dotnet MyApp.Migrator.dll

and I get following error

Error: assembly specified in the dependencies manifest was not found -- package: 'abp.automapper', version: '2.0.1', path: 'lib/netstandard1.6/Abp.AutoMapper.dll'

Thank you for the reply.

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