How is refresh token implemented in core server?
I am trying to add audit journal in my application. I need to record user actions and show them to user e.g
I have dozens of these cases and I was wondering if there any way of doing this using aspnet zero?
How does an angular http get request with querystring gets translated into EntityDto<int>?
Thanks in advance
Can I change the colors of metronic? e.g instead of pink I want to use blue. I know I can go and replace it one by one in css files but is there any better way?
Thanks in advance
I am trying to update to aspnetzero 7.2.3 with angular & .net core and I saw gulp in package.json file. Is this needed or I can remove it?
About using appservices instead of controllers how is this done? My main concern is that affects performance. Does it use reflection?
Is there any Id unique to the session of a user (when I say session I mean every time the user press F5 this Id must be changed) I am using Angular + aspnet. core
How does Apb registers IApplicationService as transient instance?
How do I get Token expiration date?
I have a system developed with aspnet zero (.net core & angular). I have a microservice now that receives requests from a user, perform some actions and then return results back. I need this microservice to use the permissions that are set through aspnet zero. How can I implement such functionality?
Thanks in advance