Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "aranhico"


Hello! in your demo "" I Login and everything is ok, then I go to roles etc, etc (I save everything in fiddler) Now, I logout, but if I go to previous sessions saved by fiddler and resend them, its accepted and shouldn't happen (because I already logged out). Am I missing something? thank you!


Hello, I'm facing a problem. I'm trying to insert a bunch of entities into database but I can't, and EF doesn't raise any exception neither ABP. ( I checked the logs and nothing). Im uploading a pdf (in a controller) who calls an app service, reads the pdf and starts inserting in the database (please advise me on better aproaches or best practices). One strange thing is in SQL PROFILER, i see the INSERT statements but the decimals values have a comma instead of a dot

806,@5=162170,@6=0,@7=0,@8=N'149996',@9=N'2004/01/29 ',@10=N'148235 ',@11='2005-02-18 00:00:00',@12=0,@13=79780,@14=600,@15=142,05000000000001,@16=1,1232

but it should be

806,@5=162170,@6=0,@7=0,@8=N'149996',@9=N'2004/01/29 ',@10=N'148235 ',@11='2005-02-18 00:00:00',@12=0,@13=79780,@14=600,@15=**142.05000000000001**,@16=**1.1232**

my culture is portuguese, where a comma is the decimal sepparator (I changed the Application_BeginRequest in global.asax the thread to portuguese and nothing changed) anyway, an exception should be raised, right? thank you


I can't find the update edition in the edition manager, what am I missing?

Hello, first of all, thank you so much for your great work on abp. I'm having some trouble while updating permissions on users, this is my code:

public async Task UpdateUserPermissions(UpdateUserPermissionsInput input)

            User user = await UserManager.GetUserByIdAsync(;
            await UserManager.ResetAllPermissionsAsync(user); // this line doesn't reset the permissions but if i used it "sepparatedlly" it works

            List<Permission> list = PermissionManager.GetAllPermissions().ToList();
            list = list.Where(x => input.Permissions.Contains(x.Name)).ToList();
            await UserManager.SetGrantedPermissionsAsync(user, list);

maybe my problem has something to do with the async/await, i believe I don't plenty understand it, maybe some of you can point me good litterature on the subject?

again, thank you !

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