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Activities of "ashgadala"

Hi Support,

We have few tables where we want to load the data upon creating the tenant. Can you please help with the sample code.

I already did some thing like in below link but we want to load data for each tenant. #3591

Thank you Avi

Hi Support.

Can you update the home button on this forum to <a class="postlink-local" href="">viewforum.php?f=5</a> instead of the stats. Statistic page is not at all useful. The user experience is so bad for the forum.

Also, Can you change the search icon from bulb in the top right corner nest to ewlcome message.

Make post new topic button easily accessible from the Top MEN U or some thing.

Thank you Avi

HI Support,

we would like to implement the ADFS authentication for ASP.NETzero core jQuery multi tenant app .

Thank you Avi

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