Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "ashgadala"

I dont get this one. Why this is not updated in the documentation.


add "searching": true, to datatable config. This is hidden by default. in datatable.defaults.js



Where do we find option to enable default search input in datatables.

When I call new Datatable source from CDN Datatable search input is enabled and displayed. But it is not displayed using default bundles. I looked everywhere but not able to find the option.

I know this is not a datatables issue.

We have a use case where same users access information in multiple tenants. Is it possible to move the tenant selection after login. Users able to access only tenants they have access to. Do you have any recommendation on how we should handle this.

There are multiple ways to solve this.

First of all check to see if the scripts are loading and check if the path is correct. Sometime it is to get the path to file. To make it easy, Use one of the existing folders and just copy a test file to capture the path.

For your ref. All versions below works for me.

<script type="text/javascript" src="@(ApplicationPath)Common/Scripts/Datatables/ajax/libs/jszip/2.5.0/jszip.js"></script> or <script abp-src="/test/testTools.min.js" asp-append-version="true"></script> or <script src="~/assets/iCheck/icheck.min.js"></script>

Advise, Try to keep the folder structure clean. It looks like you are trying to version control using folder. I would recommend remove that and maintain a readme file with the version you want to track.

I had the same issue and could not get it to work, When i added golbal.json through visual studio. However, when i added i same using CLI with the correct SDK.

Also, Can you share where you did you made this change in the app Component.InvokeAsync() instead of vc: tags

After spending few hours or research here is my work around until Microsoft stops experimenting with us.

Rolling back the sdk or VS did not help at all.


We Fixed this by adding global.json to force the application to use last working SDK.

  1. open solution\src\ in CLI
  2. Find latest working SDK other than 7.0.200 ( you can find using CMD - dotnet --list-sdks)
  3. run dotnet new global.json --sdk-version 2.1.402

See this link.

also, for SDK impacted/working


found this - could it help:

This did not help.

Same here Just updated VS and seeing this bug

Thank you

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