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Activities of "asseco"


Sure. I make it work. lets me tell what i have done

  1. Add ADFS to AD server.
  2. Change aspnetzero app to be secure(from http to https)
  3. Change Startup.Configuration. add wsfederation after app.UseAbp().
if (IsTrue("ExternalAuth.WsFederation.IsEnabled"))
  1. Add code to Global.asax
System.Net.ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = delegate
                return true;
  1. Change AppSettingProvider startup configuration to use https url.
  2. Change ADFS Relying Party Trust Claim Rules

I already do that, done some adfs configuration. Now i have problem when i am trying to login with AD user. I am using _userManager.LoginAsync method to login.

var loginResult = await _userManager.LoginAsync(loginInfo.Login, tenancyName);

loginInfo.Login.LoginProvider -- http://{servername}/adfs/services/trust
loginInfo.Login.ProviderKey -- {username}@{domain}

I am getting result => AbpLoginResultType.UnknownExternalLogin. why? How can i fix that? Am i doing something wrong?

I have fixed it. I install postman (chrome extension) and found problem: I was using entity object in Dto, and rewrite to use it with additional dto to mapp this entity.

thanks for responce

here appservice: public PagedResultOutput<AnnouncementListDto> GetAllAnnouncements(GetAnnouncementInput input) { var totalCount = 0; var announcements = _announcementRepository .GetAll().Include(x => x.User).Include(x => x.AnnouncementDescription);

        totalCount = announcements.Count();
        announcements = announcements.OrderBy(x => x.CreationTime).PageBy(input);
        return new PagedResultOutput&lt;AnnouncementListDto&gt;(totalCount, announcements.ToList().MapTo&lt;List&lt;AnnouncementListDto&gt;>());

here jtable definition: _$announcementsTable.jtable({

    title: app.localize('Announcement'),
    paging: true,
    sorting: true,
    multiSorting: true,

    actions: {
        listAction: {
            method: _announcementService.getAllAnnouncements

    fields: {
        id: {
            key: true,
            list: false
        actions: {
            title: app.localize('Actions'),
            width: '12%',
            sorting: false,
            list: _permissions.edit || _permissions.delete,
            display: function (data) {
                var $span = $('&lt;span&gt;&lt;/span&gt;');
                if (_permissions.edit) {
                    $('&lt;button class=&quot;btn btn-default btn-xs&quot; title=&quot;&#39; + app.localize(&#39;Edit&#39;) + &#39;&quot;&gt;&lt;i class=&quot;fa fa-edit&quot;&gt;&lt;/i&gt;&lt;/button&gt;')
                        .click(function () {
                  { id: });

                if (_permissions.delete) {
                    $('&lt;button class=&quot;btn btn-default btn-xs&quot; title=&quot;&#39; + app.localize(&#39;Delete&#39;) + &#39;&quot;&gt;&lt;i class=&quot;fa fa-trash-o&quot;&gt;&lt;/i&gt;&lt;/button&gt;')
                        .click(function () {

                return $span;
        announcementDescription: {
            title: app.localize('AnnouncementDescription'),
            width: '8%',
            display: function (data) {
                var descriptions = '';

                for (var j = 0; j < data.record.announcementDescription.length; j++) {
                    if (abp.localization.isCurrentCulture(data.record.announcementDescription[j].LanguageName)) {
                        descriptions = data.record.announcementDescription[j];
                return descriptions;
        publishDate: {
            title: app.localize('PublishDate'),
            width: '8%',
            display: function (data) {
                return moment(data.record.publishDate).format('L');
        expirationDate: {
            title: app.localize('ExpirationDate'),
            width: '8%',
            display: function (data) {
                return moment(data.record.expirationDate).format('L');

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