Dear Support Team,
We have just extended the licensing subscription and wanted to download the invoice however tabs under the License Management do not work. Could you please fix it.
Kind Regards, Matt
What is your product version? 10.3.0 What is your product type (Angular or MVC)? Angular What is product framework type (.net framework or .net core)? .net core
Dear Support Team,
We are facing a problem to make OpenID authentication work. We configured the OpenId authentication to connect to Auth0.
We face CORS mismatch between the request and response header when server tries to retrieve the .well-known/openid-configuration file.
Front end submits the pre-flight with the following headers: Access-Control-Request-Headers: abp.tenantid,cache-control,expires,pragma,x-requested-with
Auth0 returns the following: access-control-allow-headers: Origin, Content-Type, Accept, X-Requested-With, Authorization, Auth0-Client, X-Request-Language
Browser rejects the connection with the following message: Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at (Reason: header ‘abp.tenantid’ is not allowed according to header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Headers’ from CORS preflight response).
Our question is how to tweak the Access-Control-Request-Headers or disable them altogether?
We seek for your help urgently as we have one tenant's production down.
Kind Regards, Matt
I'm struggling to make the Metronic "kt-menu" dropdown menus to work on the dynamically loaded Cards in the footer sections. Reading the Metronic documentation I was pointed to re-initialize the MenuComponent after the dynamic content is loaded.
Tried with the following code in the mypage.component.ts:
refreshMenus(): void {
I noticed that MenuComponent.reinitialization()
actually calls MenuComponent.createInstances('[data-kt-menu="true"]');
I was able to make dropdown menus to work on all Cards only if I manully click on a button which calls the refreshMenus() function which gives me an indication that MenuComponent.reinitialization()
works however I cannot make it work with any combination of using the Angular life-cycle hooks (AfterViewInit, AfterContentInit, OnInit, etc) when the pages load.
Is there any other way to solve my challenge?
Any help will be hightly appreciated!