What exactly is it we should be adding to that class? I'm not exactly clear as to what the function should be doing. Also once the function is added, when is it supposed to be called - from the controller when the view is generated?
I'm using the jQuery version 6.8.0 is the last version we upgraded to I believe.
I'm also dealing with the exact same issue. I have the same setup as the original poster.
I never noticed it before as I had always asumed the functionality was working as documented. However in testing this week it was discovered that the date in the client view is not being converted from UTC. In fact when the user enters a date via an input or the datetimepicker, the new local datetime is exactly what is then stored in the database. So in short there is zero conversion going on for some reason.
The conversion/formatting works fine when displayed in datatables, but not in an input within a form.
I have also confirmed the line above is being hit and returning "America/Chicago" - is anyone working on a solution for this issue?
I agree, having an example on the easiest way to convert these controls to simple drop-downs would be very helpful.
Also would like to get a copy sent to blackfindev@gmail.com
Thank you!
I'm having the same issues and have been unable to resolve it for several days. Anyone care to explain what we need to do to get this resolved?