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Activities of "avadhutkore"

I Downgraded the visual studio from VS2019 to VS 2017 and it is working fine in Visual studio 2017 community edition. This is kind of workaround for using the ANZ code. Do let me know if you guys can suggest anything to make it working in visual studio 2019.

Disabling linker did not work as well.

I have tried with the real android device, it is also giving the same "class not found exception". Could it be because of the Visual studio 2019 Community Edition?

From the mobile Emulator browser I can access the API URL:

To access it from real Android device, do i need to deploy the APP on mobile or is there any other option?


I have already tried with both IP Addresses: -

  1. Emulators.Andorid (Which is as shown in the screenshot)
  2. (screenshot is not attached) Both gives the same exception.

I am using the Android Emulator, so will set the the IP as follows: private const string LocalhostIp = Emulators.Android;

I am following the setup document and had tried these things already except opening the API project from Mobile browser. I will try that and will let you know the result. Thanks for your help !!

I am starting the Host from Command line only, by running the follwoing commands:

SET ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development SET ASPNETCORE_URLS=http://*:22742 dotnet run

Hi Support Team,

I cached the excpetion, following is the stack trace:-

at Flurl.Http.FlurlRequest.HandleExceptionAsync (Flurl.Http.HttpCall call, System.Exception ex, System.Threading.CancellationToken token) [0x0011d] in <7be22aadf26d4808b35d54cc18db202b>:0 at Flurl.Http.FlurlRequest.SendAsync (System.Net.Http.HttpMethod verb, System.Net.Http.HttpContent content, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken, System.Net.Http.HttpCompletionOption completionOption) [0x003a1] in <7be22aadf26d4808b35d54cc18db202b>:0 at Flurl.Http.FlurlRequest.SendAsync (System.Net.Http.HttpMethod verb, System.Net.Http.HttpContent content, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken, System.Net.Http.HttpCompletionOption completionOption) [0x004bb] in <7be22aadf26d4808b35d54cc18db202b>:0 at Flurl.Http.HttpResponseMessageExtensions.ReceiveJson[T] (System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1[TResult] response) [0x0006e] in <7be22aadf26d4808b35d54cc18db202b>:0 at PinkWish.ApiClient.AbpApiClient.GetAsync[T] (System.String endpoint, System.Object queryParameters, System.String accessToken, System.Boolean stripAjaxResponseWrapper) [0x0007e] in F:\ShoppingApp\PinkWish\aspnet-core\src\PinkWish.Application.Client\ApiClient\AbpApiClient.cs:206 at PinkWish.ApiClient.AbpApiClient.GetAnonymousAsync[T] (System.String endpoint) [0x00029] in F:\ShoppingApp\PinkWish\aspnet-core\src\PinkWish.Application.Client\ApiClient\AbpApiClient.cs:190 at PinkWish.Configuration.UserConfigurationService.GetAsync (System.Boolean isUserLoggedIn) [0x000cd] in F:\ShoppingApp\PinkWish\aspnet-core\src\PinkWish.Application.Client\Configuration\UserConfigurationService.cs:29


I have download the Latest v7.0.0 from the Download page (I guess this is what you mean by ANZ angular version).

My API project is running at , I had already tried by changing the following constant in the Xamarin App: private const string LocalhostIp = ""; It also gave the same exception.

I just have the exception details as shown in the Emulator snapshot above.

Closing the visual studio and deleting the bin & obj folder did not work as well.

Hi Support Team,

I was able to successfully setup the API and Angular project on my machine. I am facing issues while setting up the Xamarin Mobile app, am getting the following error message:

I am using Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition and running the App on Emulator. I need your help in Setting up the Mobile App.

Thanks & Regards, Avadhut

Hi Support Team,

I was able to successfully setup the API and Angular project on my machine. But I am facing issues while setting up the Xamarin Mobile app, am getting the following error message:

I am using Visual Studio 2019 and running the mobile app on Emulator. I need your help for setting up the Xamarin Mobile App.

Thanks & Regards, Prabhat

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