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Activities of "bakinalp"

Hi guys,

I'm totallay new to the the aspnetzero and angular so please bear with me.

My objective is to create a procurement request form. Form has some generic fields and 2 areas where user can add products and invitees to the request.

Project type: Angular/Core I have 3 objects as follows: PEvent PEventProduct (Contains PEventID, ProductID, and fields like quantity required) PEventInvitee Product

I have no problems saving the initial Pevent Object but once inserted I need to get the object immediatly so that I can save products and invitees associated to it as well. Below code works for the first part where I insert the pevent. But it fails on second part stating EventId must be between 1 and 2147483647 I believe the problem will be solved if I can get the inserted objects eventid and pass it to neweventproduct.eventid.

The question is whether it is possible to get the resulting object after insert operation.

save(): void {
                .finally(() => this.saving = false)
                .subscribe(() => {
//works  up to here without a problem 
        //this.newEventProduct.EventId = <- Pass EventID here from the result
                  result => {
                     this.newEventProduct.quantity = 1;
//errors here stating EventId must be between 1 and 2147483647 

Thank you aaron for your response I was away for a few days. ( my wife was in labor and I took a few days off :D ).

I have tested out the .then statement but it is throwing an error saying "then does not exist on type 'Observable <void>' "

I have imported import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable'; but this does not resolve the problem. Am I missing something?

Thanks Aaron ,

after subscribe I have tried to check the event value using a simple alert but it shows null. The value is submitted to the database fine but still cant get the eventid. I'm probably missing something simple but no idea what.

alert(event); //returns null
        alert(event.Id); //returns null
        this.newEventProduct.EventId = event.Id;

post looks succesfull but response is null. Shall I look somewhere else? I am trying to achieve this on autogenerated edit-or-create-modal.ts

Here is the code in ts.

import { Component, ViewChild, Injector, Output, EventEmitter} from '@angular/core';
import { ModalDirective } from 'ngx-bootstrap';
import { ProcurementServiceProxy, CreateOrEditPEventDto} from '@shared/service-proxies/service-proxies';
import { AppComponentBase } from '@shared/common/app-component-base';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import 'rxjs/add/observable/fromPromise';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/toPromise';

    selector: 'createOrEditPEventModal',
    templateUrl: './create-or-edit-pEvent-modal.component.html'
export class CreateOrEditPEventModalComponent extends AppComponentBase {

    @ViewChild('createOrEditModal') modal: ModalDirective;

    @Output() modalSave: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter<any>();

    active = false;
    saving = false;
    pEvent: CreateOrEditPEventDto = new CreateOrEditPEventDto();

        injector: Injector,
        private _procurementServiceProxy: ProcurementServiceProxy
    ) {

    ngOnInit(): void {

    show(pEventId?: number): void {
        if (!pEventId) { 
			this.pEvent = new CreateOrEditPEventDto(); = pEventId; = true;;
			this._procurementServiceProxy.getPEventForEdit(pEventId).subscribe(pEventResult => {
				this.pEvent = pEventResult; = true;;

    save(): void {
		/*	this.saving = true;
			 .finally(() => { this.saving = false; })
			 .subscribe(() => {'SavedSuccessfully'));
            .finally(() => this.saving = false)
            .subscribe(event => {

    close(): void { = false;
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Dynamic.Core;
using Abp.Linq.Extensions;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Abp.Domain.Repositories;
using Procure.Procurement.Dtos;
using Abp.Application.Services.Dto;
using Procure.Authorization;
using Abp.Authorization;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;

namespace Procure.Procurement
    public class ProcurementAppService : ProcureAppServiceBase, IProcurementAppService
		 private readonly IRepository<PEvent> _pEventRepository;

		  public ProcurementAppService(IRepository<PEvent> pEventRepository) 
			_pEventRepository = pEventRepository;

		 public async Task<PagedResultDto<PEventDto>> GetAll(GetAllPEventsInput input)
            var query = _pEventRepository.GetAll().WhereIf(
                    e =>  e.Title.Contains(input.Filter) || e.Description.Contains(input.Filter) 

            var totalCount = await query.CountAsync();

            var pEvents = await query
                .OrderBy(input.Sorting ?? "id asc")

            return new PagedResultDto<PEventDto>(
		 public async Task<CreateOrEditPEventDto> GetPEventForEdit(EntityDto<int> input)
            var pEvent = await _pEventRepository.FirstOrDefaultAsync(input.Id);
            return ObjectMapper.Map<CreateOrEditPEventDto>(pEvent);

		 public async Task CreateOrEdit(CreateOrEditPEventDto input)
            if(input.Id == null){
				await Create(input);
				await Update(input);

		 private async Task Create(CreateOrEditPEventDto input)
            var pEvent = ObjectMapper.Map<PEvent>(input);

			            if (AbpSession.TenantId != null)
 pEvent.TenantId =  (int) AbpSession.TenantId;

            await _pEventRepository.InsertAsync(pEvent);

		 private async Task Update(CreateOrEditPEventDto input)
            var pEvent = await _pEventRepository.FirstOrDefaultAsync((int)input.Id);
             ObjectMapper.Map(input, pEvent);

         public async Task Delete(EntityDto<int> input)
            await _pEventRepository.DeleteAsync(input.Id);

Hi Aaron thanks for the support.

Finally I can get a response when I create a record but the id field seems a bit odd. I am getting a negative number close to but not exactly int.MinValue . I think this is the temp id before record is saved to the db. İs this the expected behaviour?

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