On this part of the tutorial:
<a class="postlink" href="https://www.aspnetzero.com/Documents/Developing-Step-By-Step-Mvc-Angularjs#changing-getpeople-method">https://www.aspnetzero.com/Documents/De ... ple-method</a>
comes an example using "Include" extension method for bring relation with Phones
var persons = _personRepository
.Include(p => p.Phones)
p => p.Name.Contains(input.Filter) ||
p.Surname.Contains(input.Filter) ||
.OrderBy(p => p.Name)
.ThenBy(p => p.Surname)
I am making a custom application follow that example with Angular 1, Module Zero and Entity Framework, and on one of my AppService files on the Application Layer. I am trying to do the same thing, using the Include extension method, but the problem is that this method is not recognized, there is no "using" that solve this problem, I can't compile. I read that this belong to System.Data.Entity so add this "using" but is not working.
Hi all, when I add a new permission in core file PROYECTFILEAuthorizationProvider on SetPermissions method... How update this new permission to all tenants in DB???
Thanks in advance
Hi All, i am trying to add another Localization Source
Using this code in my PROYECTNAMECoreModule.cs :
new DictionaryBasedLocalizationSource(
new XmlEmbeddedFileLocalizationDictionaryProvider(
Then, inside Core project, Localization folder, add a new Folder called "DirectorioSource" where inside I have just 1 XML called: DirectorioSource.xml (this file is marked as embedded resource)
The XML is simple:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<localizationDictionary culture="en">
<text name="Directorio" value="Directorio" />
And finally on my code I use:
new MenuItemDefinition(
new LocalizableString("Directorio", "DirectorioSource"),
url: "#/directorio",
icon: "fa fa-phone"
also try:
new MenuItemDefinition(
new L("Directorio"),
url: "#/directorio",
icon: "fa fa-phone"
At the end the Word Directorio appears like [Directorio] :roll:
What I am doing Wrong??
Hi All, Hello @hikalkan
First of all, this framework is amazing, I have some experience with ASP .NET MVC, jQuery, Ajax and that Stuff, but Angular is great and the way that AspnetBoilerplate is build is awesome (I learn a lot with it, conceptual and practical things, right now I can create entities, services, dto's, SPA with Angular and connect that entities thanks to the WebApi, etc.).
I am stuck in one thing, please someone can clarify me
I am reading: <a class="postlink" href="https://www.aspnetzero.com/Documents/Developing-Step-By-Step#authorization-for-phone-book">https://www.aspnetzero.com/Documents/De ... phone-book</a>
The part of permissions, can someone explain, why permissions are not dynamic (like roles, tenants)? I mean why are declared on the code, and there is no interface for create them. (I create a demo on aspnetzero site and see the permissions available but can't find the way for create new permissions, all are declared on code?) Maybe is something conceptual... :?
Also, what are exactly are Organization Units, some simple example would be great. :roll:
thanks in advance, with the knowledge I am planning to write a step by step tutorial of this framework :mrgreen: :!: