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No we are pulling our own project from our own git server. The process is the following:

Download demo project -> Initilize and Build project -> Check if everything wokrs -> Push to git server -> Everyone else pulls

As I said the only one who is able to load http://localhost:4200 is the person who downloaded the demo project and pushed the code.

Also unfortunately there arent any errors. The only error is CORS as mentioned above.

I will try to comapre both of the repositories with each other because there must be some inherent difference somewhere which prevents the others from loading the page and getting the CORS error.

Hey @ismcagdas,

i can't provide a screenshot right now but I got the following error message upon inspecting the browser from my colleagues with F12: "Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same-Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at https://localhost:5001/AbpUserConfiguration/GetAll?d=1681805995669. (Reason: CORS request failed). Status code: (null)."

EDIT: We have made some further investigations and found out that this problem (with the same occuring error code) is only coming up when we pull the project from git rather than creating the project by ourself (from web.sln). What could possibly be the reason for that?

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