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Activities of "bilalhaidar"

Hi Alper, Those controllers are part of DLLs offered by DevExpress.

Regards Bilal

Hi Jehad,

It seems the Castle Windsor is not catching the DevExpress Controllers.

In the Startup\XXXWebMvcModule.cs, add the following and it should work smooth:

public override void Initialize()

            IocManager.Register(typeof(WebDocumentViewerController), DependencyLifeStyle.Transient);
            IocManager.Register(typeof(QueryBuilderController), DependencyLifeStyle.Transient);
            IocManager.Register(typeof(ReportDesignerController), DependencyLifeStyle.Transient);

Thanks a lot.

Hello, Is there a place to explain more about the new license checking in the 5.x version? What are the rules that shouldn't be violated, etc.

For instance, one of the things I read is about developer count. If I have my code over 2 machines one at home and one at the office, does that count as 2 developers or 1?

Thank you Bilal

I couldn't have solved it without your assistance.

Thanks a lot

Thanks. Can you please follow up on the GitHub issue I posted? You asked me if my AppService methods are designated with virtual or not. I really appreciate if you can have a look at it. Thank you

OK thank you. But how are cross-cutting concerns added to the system? I mean how does the IsApplied now that this concern is applied? I am building something similar and I need to understand how the framework knows that this cross cutting concern is applied or not.

Thank you

Thanks Ismail. But I couldn't find anywhere else where "AddApplied" is being used? Or maybe I am missing the idea, how are concerns applied and where? Thanks

Hi Ismail,

Actually, I am asking here about MVC Filters and not Castle Windsor interceptors. You once mentioned I can add MVC Filters to AppServices since with ASP.NET Core AppServices are considered controllers.

But then I noticed that I need to add some AspNet Core Dlls to the .Core project, so is that correct to do? Or better not to mix AspNet Core dlls inside .Core layer?



Hi, I faced the same issue few days ago and I resolved it by doing this in the Startup.cs file in the Web.Host project.

//Configure Abp and Dependency Injection
            return services.AddAbp<DrcAppWebHostModule>(options =>
                //Configure Log4Net logging
                    f => f.UseAbpLog4Net().WithConfig(System.IO.Path.Combine(_env.ContentRootPath, "log4net.config"))

I just configure the proper Path to the log4net.config file.

Try it.

HTH Bilal

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