May i know is there any example for AggregateRoot in the sample project? Please advise. Thanks a lot
Hi Team
I have downloaded the TestProject template choosing single page application, entity framework, MVC 5.X and module zero included
I have created and run Update-Database command and i am able to create user on Web layer.
However, when i try to call the below . It gives me error <a class="postlink" href="http://localhost:6334/api/Account/Authenticate">http://localhost:6334/api/Account/Authenticate</a>
The same method, i can run on event cloud sample
HI all
i have fixed my problem. please ignore this post. Thanks
<cite>BillyTsoi: </cite> Hi Team
I have downloaded the TestProject template choosing single page application, entity framework, MVC 5.X and module zero included
I have created and run Update-Database command and i am able to create user on Web layer.
However, when i try to call the below . It gives me error <a class="postlink" href="http://localhost:6334/api/Account/Authenticate">http://localhost:6334/api/Account/Authenticate</a>
The same method, i can run on event cloud sample
Regards Billy <cite>BillyTsoi: </cite> Hi Team
I have downloaded the TestProject template choosing single page application, entity framework, MVC 5.X and module zero included
I have created and run Update-Database command and i am able to create user on Web layer.
However, when i try to call the below . It gives me error <a class="postlink" href="http://localhost:6334/api/Account/Authenticate">http://localhost:6334/api/Account/Authenticate</a>
The same method, i can run on event cloud sample
Regards Billy
Hi team
My question is about how to achieve inheritance in this Framework For example I have a domain calls Instrument then i have the following sub class says GoldInstrument OilInstrument ExchangeTradedFundInstrument
I think on domain level, each type should have their own table
The below is the class defintion
public class Instrument : Entity, IHasCreationTime public class Etf : Instrument
It seems when it comes to this model, i can't define Super class and sub class relationship
Would you please advise. Thanks a lot
Regards Billyl
IAbpWebApiClient only has PostAsync method to send HTTP POST request
may i know whether it has PUT , GET method as well? If yes can you please give some example? Thanks a lot
Hi all
I use the CallApiFromConsole solution to try calling my WebApi layer.
I am able to get the new token, but when i call AppService layer method, i get the " There is no permission with name: Advisorys.MarketManagement" on both log and AbpAuditLogs table.
I have setup the permission
public class FeedServiceAuthorizationProvider : AuthorizationProvider { public override void SetPermissions(IPermissionDefinitionContext context) {
var advisory = context.CreatePermission("Advisory");
var clientManagement = advisory.CreateChildPermission("Advisory.ClientManagement");
var marketManagement = advisory.CreateChildPermission("Advisory.MarketManagement");
And i have manually input the data on tables
select * from AbpRoles select * from AbpUserRoles select * from AbpPermissions
May i know what's the problem i can be? Do i need to explicitly grant these Static Role?
Please help
Log example: UG 2017-04-07 16:22:51,125 [31 ] Abp.Web.SignalR.Hubs.AbpCommonHub - A client is reconnected: {"ConnectionId":"2b29dbee-6956-43c3-acf0-b206d9c15101","IpAddress":"::1","TenantId":1,"UserId":5,"ConnectTime":"2017-04-07T16:19:43.0021683+08:00","Properties":{}} ERROR 2017-04-07 16:23:21,507 [21 ] nHandling.AbpApiExceptionFilterAttribute - There is no permission with name: Advisorys.MarketManagement Abp.AbpException: There is no permission with name: Advisorys.MarketManagement at Abp.Authorization.PermissionManager.GetPermission(String name) in D:\Github\aspnetboilerplate\src\Abp\Authorization\PermissionManager.cs:line 55 at Abp.Authorization.Users.AbpUserManager`2.