Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "birthdaycensus"


I want to turn off the defaul error hanling of the ABP on the client side of my application. How do I do this since since the errors as been shown at times does not work well with my appliation

How can I register a custom implementation of IClockProvider so as to overwrite the LocalclockProvider that seems to be used in the application especially in the SetCreationAuditProperties of the AbpDbContext. I saw in Abp.Timing.Clock class static constructor that the Provider is been manually set to LocalClockProvider. What do you suggest I do? Thanks


I am having problem in restoring nuget package in my app These are the errors I am getting after a build

Error CS0012 The type 'ApiController' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly 'System.Web.Http, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35'. CoolBreeze.BlueHrm.WebApi C:\Users\Ademu\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\BlueHrm\CoolBreeze.BlueHrm.WebApi\Api\Controllers\AccountController.cs 22

Looking at the references to the project, I discovered that System.Web.Mvc and several others are not found

Thanks for your help

I have read <a class="postlink" href=""> ... attributes</a> But I can not find DontWrapResult. What is the namespace please

Just want to post this in case someone else is having thesame issue. The reason why my nuget packeges where not been restored is that .nuget/nuget.exe was missing in my extracted file. What i did to resolve this was to copy it from another project

Hello dears We are building a project that we want to have in modules. Like a module for 'blog', 'sales', 'accounting', ... Each of these modules will have their sets of models and expose some services to the clients How do I get the dynamic API generating to work for this multiple modules so that we can expose application service classes to the client from all the modules

Hello Dear Thanks for your response. I have already done what is suggested in that post. This is what I am having in the Initialize method of my WebApiModule

                .ForAll<IApplicationService>(typeof(KolaApplicationModule).Assembly, "app")

                .ForAll<IApplicationService>(typeof(KolaContentApplicationModule).Assembly, "content")

In the KolaContentApplicationModule, I have ICategoryAppService that has a method GetCategory(int id) I am trying to access this method from the endpoint, /api/services/content/category/GetCategory?id=10 I got the error, "No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI 'http://localhost:6634/api/services/content/category/GetCategory?id=10'." But when I move ICategoryAppService to the KolaApplicationModule, I can access it from /api/services/app/category/GetCategory?id=10

Note that KolaContentApplicationModule is in a different project. In the Initialize method of the KolaContentApplicationModule , I have made the call,


What am I doing wrong, please

This is what I am having in the Initialize method of my WebApiModule

                .ForAll<IApplicationService>(typeof(KolaApplicationModule).Assembly, "app")

                .ForAll<IApplicationService>(typeof(KolaContentApplicationModule).Assembly, "content")

In the KolaContentApplicationModule, I have ICategoryAppService that has a method GetCategory(int id) I am trying to access this method from the endpoint, /api/services/content/category/GetCategory?id=10 I got the error, "No HTTP resource was found that matches the request URI 'http://localhost:6634/api/services/content/category/GetCategory?id=10'." But when I move ICategoryAppService to the KolaApplicationModule, I can access it from /api/services/app/category/GetCategory?id=10

Note that KolaContentApplicationModule is in a different project. In the Initialize method of the KolaContentApplicationModule , I have made the call,


What am I doing wrong, please

I need to consume the services exposed by my ASP.NET Zero project from a mobile client but this is not working. I have a CategroyAppService that has a GetCategory method. I am able to call this method from the JavaScript proxy ( on the web client, but I am receiving 'Empty or Invalid anti forgery header token.' whenever I try to access /api/services/app/category/getcategory?id=1 How do I resolve this, Please

Its ASP.NET 5.x

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