Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "blueoceandev"

I have noticed that in app.component.ts the userNotificationHelper.settingModal is being set in ngOnInit(). This can cause the modal to be set to null on occation depending on how far the view has rendered.. Moving the line to ngAfterViewInit() may remove the risk of the modal not being available.

Howdy, We have a data intensive webjob/commandline that we don't want to hook up to the webservices.. We would like to spin up the "application" and call the service in question so all the DI is in place and such. Does anyone have a sample of how to spin up the application.. I tried to piece it out from test and WebHost but there is a lot going on and I am not quite following along.


Just thinking through optimizations for performance.. is the API stateless? does it derive everything it needs to execute a call just from the headers and body of the call (security, data, etc..)... I am thinking so, but want to confirm before I turn off ARR Affinity in Azure Apps

last comment (sorry grinding on this for a while)..

I have a fix if you don't care about time

place these two lines around line 152 in AppPreBootstrap.ts

(moment as any).fn.toString = function() { return this.format("L"); };
(window as any).moment.fn.toString = function() { return this.format("L"); };

this will universally change how moment's .toString() function works..

I don't have a better long term idea of how to handle this, but then again, I am just a user so.... ;-)

And ngx-bootstrap just closed the issue as by design. :-(

I did a bunch of digging... Definetly something up between Moment and ngx-bootstrap.. I have submitted a ticket.. But if this worked before, perhaps we should pin package.json to a known good ngx-bootstrap?

here is the issue report on github

The issue is here in configFromStringAndFormat() in ngx-bootstrap-chronos.js

I am not sure that the issue is actually in ngx-bootstrap, but here is where it presents itself.

ngx-bootstrap assumes the string coming out of calling .toString() on the date (which is a moment object) will be MM/DD/YYYY but its actually much different... The result is the parsing is completely off the rails and it returns a wacky date.

I don't know if there is configuration happening in ASPNetZero somewhere telling Moment to default to the long format it is using here or if there is configuration somewhere to tell ngx-bootstrap to use MM/DD/YYYY format on this string..

I have the same issue ASPNetzero: 6.3.1 Angular: ^7.0.3 ngx-bootstrap: ^3.1.1

I can confirm that the data being saved when I first save the form is sent correctly, and the date that comes back (it comes back and is convereted into a moment by something in the framework) is the correct value as well..

But I just set the date to 11/2/2018, and it is displaying as 03/20/2018... I have also seen it display as 01/20/2018



that worked for me.. Thanks..


I checked the download area and my project only shows the 5.6.2 download, there is no option to upgrade..

what is the process to upgrade a current project to a new version?

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