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Activities of "buddhit"

Hi there

We have two sperate apps one uses ASPNETZERO 5.5 and another one use 5.6.2. on the 5.5 we have have EntityFrameworkExtension class with WithSqlParam but on the 5.6.2 we cant find have EntityFrameworkExtension class.

 public async Task<int> DeleteDormantRecord(long ppmId)
            const string sql = @"delete from Dormantrecords where ppmId = @id";

            using (var command = CreateCommand(sql, _transactionProvider, CommandType.Text))
                var com = command.WithSqlParam("id", ppmId);

                return await com.ExecuteNonQueryAsync();

This is how we used WithSqlParam from extension class on the V5.5.

Hi there,

I know that bit, but priviously we used to have EntityFrameworkExtension class with WithSqlParam method that used to inject params for the query. My question is : Is there any reason that extension is removed ??

Regards Buddhi


That fixed the issue, thanks.

Yes, you are right. All 3 sites are writing into the same log file as it is Multi tenancy appp. How do we solve this issue then ??

Hi there

I have tried giving permission to Application pool user as well but no luck. I have three sites on IIS and they are pointed to one application folder. Host app now logging logs into App_data/Logs/logs.txt but still, two other app is not able to write logs. can you suggest something, please?


Hi there

I got the same issue deploying on IIS, I can't seem to find App_data folder at all. I have tried changing security for IIS user but no luck :(

Regards Buddhi

Hi there

thank you for that, however, we have already started our project, How can we apply changes you have made without losing our work?

Regards Buddhi

Yes it is all good after downloading V5.0.2 Thank you guys

I was on V5.0.0. Now I downloaded V5.0.2 it is working fine. Thank you guys.

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