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Activities of "byteplatz"

Do you have any other code besides Startup.cs and AccountController.cs for external authentication ?


I will need to investigate why the tenancy name is not being set in the callback url. ..

Maybe the controller action need some adjustment...

It is always null on ExternalLoginCallback even when using url tenant detection

I will let you know


I'm not triggering the event manually...I'm using EntityCreatedEventData...

Breakpoint at Handle event is called twice...I will entity is the same...I will check every field to see if audit related fields are set in both calls


Hello Halil,

I managed to make google auth work for aspnetzero and I was wondering if you can help me to understand if its possible to use same google login for diferente tenants ...

After logging with the first tenant (default for example), every time I click on G+ login icon it automatticaly signin into default tenant.

Is this possible?

If so I guess it will only work with Tenant detection using URL ?



I'm now investigating why event bus is triggering the event twice, one for each dB context.

Never mind on this...

I was getting null when I register the handler manually...

Usint ITransiendDependency Works fine...

Should It be null when manual registering (EventBus.Default.Register) ?


Thank you ! Another issue solved :) My bad on not paying attention to it...

One more thing: I have injected a ILogger (Castle.Core.Logging) inside AllEventsHandler and Im getting it null all the time. Im using property injection since this class must have a parameterless constructor.

Any suggestions ?


Thank you...

Just wondering if there is anything special to register these pre defined events

Should I only create a handler like this :

public class AllEventsHandler : IEventHandler<EntityCreatedEventData<MyEntity>>,

I did that and the handlers are not being invoked.

Even tried placing this code inside web or application Project (not from my separated custom module)

Regarding transaction I did couple tests but that was not the behavior I found at that time...I was using Bus.Send which was throwing exception but the DB were not rolling back.

I found this code on AbpSource code:

private void TriggerEntityChangeEvent(Type genericEventType, object entity)
            var entityType = entity.GetType();
            var eventType = genericEventType.MakeGenericType(entityType);

            if (_unitOfWorkManager == null || _unitOfWorkManager.Current == null)
                EventBus.Trigger(eventType, (IEventData)Activator.CreateInstance(eventType, new[] { entity }));

            _unitOfWorkManager.Current.Completed += (sender, args) => EventBus.Trigger(eventType, (IEventData)Activator.CreateInstance(eventType, new[] { entity }));

Doesnt that mean that the trigger occurs after UoW has completed ?


Hello Halil,

Im trying to understand the eventbus architecture and I have couple questions:

  1. What is the difference between EntityUpdatedEventData/EntityChangedEventData events ?

  2. Does the *ed events (Created, Updated, Changed, Deleted) are triggered after UoW has been commited ? If so, Are there any hooks I can get to do some work (transactionally) before this happen ? My scenario is :

Im using NServiceBus as a BackEnd Message System. I would like the existing EventBus (from Abp) infrastructure from the WebSide to minimize the code I need to write. The problem Is, when an Entity is created for example, I need to run a Bus.Send(onesimplecommand) -- from NServiceBus. This code must be present in the same transaction used to SAVE the entity into the database, since Im using transactional MSMQ queues. This helps me in terms of if I cant write to database, Bus.Send does not happen and if Bus.Send throws an exception, the data is not written to database. (they must be in the same transaction).

Cany ou shed some light on how I can solve this ?


Thank you

That was what I wanted to hear :)

My feeling was right..

So I will only inherit if needed :)



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