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Activities of "cictan"


I updated web.config and the updates worked:

<system.webServer> <modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="false"> <remove name="WebDAVModule" /> </modules> </system.webServer>

However, I still see the issue showed occasionally

Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Failed to load resource: net::ERR_FAILED main.c435b59a98948a44e76d.js:1 ERROR Error: An unexpected server error occurred. at new t (main.c435b59a98948a44e76d.js:1) at to (main.c435b59a98948a44e76d.js:1) at t.project (main.c435b59a98948a44e76d.js:1) at t._tryNext (main.c435b59a98948a44e76d.js:1) at t._next (main.c435b59a98948a44e76d.js:1) at (main.c435b59a98948a44e76d.js:1) at e._subscribe (main.c435b59a98948a44e76d.js:1) at e._trySubscribe (main.c435b59a98948a44e76d.js:1) at e.subscribe (main.c435b59a98948a44e76d.js:1) at (main.c435b59a98948a44e76d.js:1)


my host website is, angular site is, I have aleady updated the setting like this: "App": { "ServerRootAddress": "", "ClientRootAddress": "", "CorsOrigins": "http://*,http://localhost:4200,http://localhost:49152,", "SwaggerEndPoint": "/swagger/v1/swagger.json", "AllowAnonymousSignalRConnection": "true" },

But I still have issues:

  1. angular site works fine, I can see the data loaded, however, when I submitted email setting from the host setting page, the error messages showed: Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. polyfills.59c59ad684f93239a61e.js:1 PUT net::ERR_FAILED

  2. When I refreshed the home page or loaded different pages, the cors policy issue showed occasionally

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