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Activities of "cmthomps"

Per email echange with Ismail, opening this ticket just to confirm that Volosoft's banking information has changed.

Thanks, Craig

Just looking for some historical documentation for version 1.9... Is that available somewhere?

Can confirm that I can now login, but cannot download RC10.

Trying to login to the main aspnetzero site to download the latest code. Getting invalid user name or password even after resetting my password.

I think the solution is to use:

var fileName = path.basename(asset.absolutePath);

This makes it work on both windows and mac.


Ok. So I figured out what the issue is. I'm not sure if there is a way to make this line of code conditional based on the operating system.

On line 191 of gulpfile.js, there is this line of code:

 var fileName = asset.absolutePath.substring(asset.absolutePath.lastIndexOf('\\') + 1);

My issue is resolved if I change it to this (notice the difference in back slashes vs forward slashes):

var fileName = asset.absolutePath.substring(asset.absolutePath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);

Just downloaded a new 7.1 Core MVC/jquery project and having an issue with the create-bundles script on my Mac. For some reason, some URLs are getting replaced by the full UNC local path on my machine. It doesn't seem to happen on a Windows box that I have. Here is an example of what is happening:

In core.less there is the following:

/* Social Login Icons */
.kt-login__options form a i.fa-openidconnect {
    background: url(../Images/Social/openid.png) no-repeat;
    width: 16px;
    height: 16px;

After running npm run create-bundles, I get the following in common-styles.min.css:

/* Social Login Icons */
.kt-login__options form a i.fa-openidconnect {
  background: url(/dist/img//Users/cthompson/Projects/SmcProject/SmcServerProject/src/Smc.SmcProject.Web.Mvc/wwwroot/Common/Images/Social/openid.png) no-repeat;
  width: 16px;
  height: 16px;

I get similar results whereever the "url(" function is used in css. Thoughts?

Thanks, Craig

@ismcagdas - It would be a nice feature!

As @ismcagdas suggested, you can implement your own AuditStore. What we did was create an admin setting that we could use to log only errors or log all events This is what our implementation looks like:

    public class SmcAuditStore : AuditingStore

        public ILogger<AuditingStore> Logger { get; set; }

        private readonly IRepository<AuditLog, long> _auditLogRepository;
        private readonly ISettingManager _settingManager;

        public SmcAuditStore(IRepository<AuditLog, long> auditLogRepository, ISettingManager settingManager) : base(auditLogRepository)
            _auditLogRepository = auditLogRepository;
            _settingManager = settingManager;

        public override async Task SaveAsync(AuditInfo auditInfo)
            AuditLog auditLog = new AuditLog();

            bool logErrorsOnly = await _settingManager.GetSettingValueAsync<bool>(AppSettings.Logging.LogOnErrorsOnly);

            var exceptionMessage = auditInfo.Exception != null ? auditInfo.Exception.ToString() : null;

            if ((logErrorsOnly && exceptionMessage != null) || !logErrorsOnly)

                auditLog = await _auditLogRepository.InsertAsync(AuditLog.CreateFromAuditInfo(auditInfo));



You can replace the default auditstore by replacing it in the Core Module PreInitialize:

Configuration.ReplaceService<IAuditingStore, SmcAuditStore>();

Using the the userManager to check the permissions works (it returns true for the user that just logged in if that user has the permission). I'm not sure why the permission checker does not.

            var loginResult = await GetLoginResultAsync(loginModel.UsernameOrEmailAddress, loginModel.Password, GetTenancyNameOrNull());

            var hasPermissions = await _userManager.IsGrantedAsync(loginResult.User.Id, AppPermissions.Permission1);
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