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Activities of "conorcorr"

We are using ASPNet Zero (Angular + .Net Core) v11.1 Database: PostgreSQL 13/14

Is is possible to include a schema name as part of tenant connection string at host level?

If so can the migrator tool build create the schama in the database?

We would like to have multiple tenant schamas per database

Thank you

We are using ASPNet Zero (Angular + .Net Core) v11.1

We have tried to hide endpoints from Swagger by using [ApiExplorerSettings(IgnoreApi = true)], [RemoteService(false)] attributes. They do remove the endpoints from swagger but the enpoints themselves no longer exist while calling via the appservices or methods from typscript. We also tried creating a custom attribute [ShowSwagger] but ended up with the same problem.

Another possible solution:

We would like the swagger/v1/swagger.json endpoint to behave differently depending on whether we are in development or production. When in development, we want all endpoints to be visible so that NSwag can build the service proxies correctly. When in production, we only want the customer-facing endpoints visible. It's possible that this can be achieved with a custom DocumentFilter?

Thank you.

  • What is your product version? 3.4
  • What is your product type (Angular or MVC)? AngularJS
  • What is product framework type (.net framework or .net core)? .Net Framework

If issue related with ABP Framework

  • What is ABP Framework version? 1.5.1

We have an entity, TagEntity, which inherits from FullAuditedEntity and implements IMustHaveTenant.

To get all tags belonging to the current tenant we perform the following query (where _tagRepository is an instance of IRepository):

var tags = _tagRepository.GetAll().ToList();

This results in the database performing a clustered index scan on the Tags table, despite there being an index on TenantId and IsDeleted.

Whereas, the following SQL query gets a non clustered index seek as expected:

SELECT * FROM Tags WHERE TenantId = 3 AND IsDeleted = 0

It appears that this issue is related to the use of dynamic data filters and IMustHaveTenant generating clauses such as:

(([Var_8].[TenantId] = @DynamicFilterParam_000005) OR ( CAST( [Var_8].[TenantId] AS int) IS NULL) )

Is there any way that we can write queries using IRepository repositories so that the generated SQL doesn’t result in an index scan?

  • What is your product version? 5.2
  • What is your product type (Angular or MVC)? Angular
  • What is product framework type (.net framework or .net core)? 5.2 is a mix I think!

If issue related with ABP Framework

  • What is ABP Framework version? 3.4
  • Multi-tenency = false

We have an issue where multiple users sign in on the same PC / browser

First user (User A) signs in and the application works as expected. A second user (User B) on the same PC / browser / IP also signs in.

The issue is that user A is overwriting user B’s data on saving. We’ve discovered that in the seesionAppService the GetCurrentLoginInformations() method persists with the first logged in user.

Is there a way to detect 2 different users are logged in and sign one out? Or is there a way to stop user B from signing in at all if a session currently exists?

Thank you



I suggest a compromise. Now that we know you're branching the feature set. How about a one time only update of these new features back to the MVC5 versions? I'm not a far from releasing my first MVC5 app to production and would dearly like the subscription feature. I also have new projects coming and want to use ASP.NET zero for these but one requires ADFS so I'm forced to stay with MVC5 for now.

Also, i love this project. You're saving me a lot of development time.

Regards, Conor

Showing 1 to 5 of 5 entries