Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "coolshun"

How the real method of Application class is called when the dynamic web api is called?the DynamicApiController is not have the real method. In ReflectedHttpActionDescriptor,the ControllerType of HttpControllerDescriptor is not have the method of the MethodInfo,then,How the method of the MethodInfo is called by DynamicApiController ?

Hi, Thanks! I edit the "UserController" as your say,it can redirect the error view now.Can I popup the error view instead of redirect?By this way ,the user can keep the info inputed.

Hi, Thanks! But in the document,it says that the ABP will handling exceptions automatically,the document url :

I download the Multi Page Web Application template project from ABP website.I write " <system.web> <customErrors mode="On" /></system.web>" in "<configuration>" of webconfig,and write "throw new System.Exception("A sample exception message...");" in "Index()" action method of "UsersController.cs". then I see "http://localhost:61759/Users" in Edge,but it con't show the custom error page,it show the error page with yellow color.


Where is the ABP source code based .net framework(not .net core)? I downloaded the template project,it's based on .net framework.I want to find the ABP core souce code from github,but I only get it based .net core,I want to get it based .net framework,because the project downloaded is based on .net framework.

I'm sorry to that my english is so bad. :mrgreen:

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