Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "cosmic"

Did you read the documentation? [])

Default expire times can you see here: [])

Hi, this is a default behavior of the IIS. It will suspend application after 20 minutes (default setting) of inactivity. You can implement own functionality to "keep alive" the application. See: <a class="postlink" href=""> ... issues/460</a>

Here is my machine controller:

public class MachinesController : AdminControllerBase
    private readonly IMachineAppService _machineAppService;

    public MachinesController(IMachineAppService machineAppService)
        _machineAppService = machineAppService;
    public async Task<JsonResult> GetStatus(int id)
        var input = new GetMachineStatusInput
            Id = id
        var output = await _machineAppService.GetStatusAsync(input);
        return Json(new MvcAjaxResponse(output.Response.Status), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

Hi, [Abp.WebApi.Authorization.AbpApiAuthorize] attribute is for usage with Web API, not for application services. See: [])


I have opened an issue on DynamicFilters Github page. In my case both IMustHavePlace and IMayHavePlace filters throws null reference exception.

Can you please test and confirm that the Contains() operator works correctly with data filters in the ABP framework? Thank you very much.

#Edit: I also tried to generate a new Module Zero template and implement only those models and interfaces as described in []). This produce the same error.


Yes, I did. If I use the List, it's not working. But if I use only one value, like defined for IMayHaveTenant, it is working.

If you mean this

public override string? Name { get; set; }

then it doesn't work. Only non-nullable value type could be underlying of System.Nullable.


I resolved problem with DataTables and pagination on server side.

Here is a working code:

var tableData = {
    draw: 0,
    recordsTotal: 0,
    recordsFiltered: 0,
    data: []
    processing: true,
    serverSide: true,
    columns: [
        { data: 'id' },
        { data: 'tenantId' },
        { data: 'userId' },
        { data: 'serviceName' },
        { data: 'methodName' },
        { data: 'parameters' },
        { data: 'executionTime' },
        { data: 'executionDuration' },
        { data: 'clientIpAddress' },
        { data: 'clientName' },
        { data: 'browserInfo' },
        { data: 'exception' },
    ajax: function (data, callback, settings) {{
            skipCount: data.start,
            maxResultCount: data.length
        }).done(function (result) {
            tableData.draw = data.draw;
            tableData.recordsTotal = result.totalCount;
            tableData.recordsFiltered = result.totalCount;
   = result.items;

Thanks for response, but it is not working.

As you said, DataTables is hard to use, I agree. I have some other issues with it. I found the Bootstrap Table. It is much simpler than DataTables.

jTable is great, but it doesn't have support for Bootstrap theme and this will result on inconsistent UI style.

Hi, I'm working on similar solution right now. I followed this tutorial: <a class="postlink" href=""> ... ntication/</a>, maybe will help you. I don't have this fully implemented yet, but it looks much simpler than Bearer token authentication.

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