Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "damir"

Thx for the hint. I already tried this but with no luck. In couple of variations of my code I managed to get some tables into the DB ( see image ) but this is still far from a working solution.

I would realy like to use ABP in a project but first I need to solve the user management.

Is there a working demo of the module Zero sample aplication in combination with NHibernate?

Regards, Damir

Thank you for your help!

I checked out the sample application in Zero module. This implementation is working and is exactly what I need. I tried to implement it the similar way in my application that is using NHibernate instead of EF.

I added the needed references and code. The problem is I am missing NH mapping files. I am getting error: NHibernate.MappingException: No persister for: TestProject.Users.User

I see that the mappings already exist in your Zero.NHibernate project.

How to use the existing mappings? What am I missing?

Best regards, Damir

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