Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "danielbo20"

Thank you so much! It worked! Can't believe that I did not thought about this! :)


I have successfully published my application to Azure Website, and it seems that everything is working smoothly. I can login, add details, chat etc.

When I went into user management and tried the function "Login as this user/tentent", I'm being redirected to localhost. Any idea on why this is happening, and how I can change this? Pictures are highly appreciated.



I'm trying to create a new empty page under "Tenants" - the same as where the Dashbord is. I tried to follow the same setup as the Dashbord is created, but everytime I'm in pre-view the new pages is not visible. (Neither Dashbord or Administration is there).

How should I create a new page that is linked to the Menu as where Dashbord and Administration with permission control?
I'm truly lost, and need assistance.

I managed to solve it! :)


I have run the EF update command, and I can see that I have all the table in my Azure database, and yes, I have added informastion in the table regarding language - perhapas I have not added "English" correct. Perhaps you can tell me how I should insert the "Default" in the Sql Table for English?

Yes, this happens when I try to run the application from Visual Studio.


First, great document for getting started with the Application! I have looked through all of the forums regarding Languages, but I have huge problem when trying to launch the application it in Visual Studio. I get the following error: “

” An exception of type 'Abp.AbpException' occurred in Abp.dll but was not handled in user code Additional information: No language defined in this Application. “ ” Visual Studio is highlighting the following code: “ ” headerModel.CurrentLanguage = LocalizationManager.CurrentLanguage; “ I love this feature, and would like to keep it. I’m currently located in Norway, and I’m not sure if this is the case as it is based on location. Can you please assist me on how to insert the default Language and show me where to do it?

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