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Activities of "darutter0508"

This is the out of the box _CreateModal.js file. It appears to be failing when it executes this javascript. The CreateOrganizationUnit method of the OrganizationUnitAppService never gets hit.

(function() { app.modals.CreateOrganizationUnitModal = function () {

    var _modalManager;
    var _organizationUnitService =;
    var _$form = null;

    this.init = function(modalManager) {
        _modalManager = modalManager;

        _$form = _modalManager.getModal().find('form[name=OrganizationUnitForm]');
        _$form.validate({ ignore: "" });
    }; = function() {
        if (!_$form.valid()) {

        var organizationUnit = _$form.serializeFormToObject();

        ).done(function(result) {
        }).always(function() {


I am using the .net core with jquery 8.3.0. I have extended the OrganizationUnit to include an integer column and was able to create a root node to the structure. However, when I attempt to add a sub-unit (child of the root) I get the following SQL exception:

INFO 2020-04-27 11:32:10,384 [15 ] ft.AspNetCore.Routing.EndpointMiddleware - Executed endpoint 'Sapphire.Web.Areas.Sapphire.Controllers.OrganizationUnitsController.CreateModal (Sapphire.Web.Mvc)' ERROR 2020-04-27 11:32:12,620 [15 ] nostics.DeveloperExceptionPageMiddleware - An unhandled exception has occurred while executing the request. System.InvalidOperationException: The connection does not support MultipleActiveResultSets. at Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnectionTds.ValidateConnectionForExecute(SqlCommand command)

This is happening in the save process. It performs the InsertAsync() without an error but later in the process it throws this error. Please let me know how to resolve this.

I am using .Net Core with jQuery version 8.3.0

I am trying to extend OrganizationUnit to add an integer value that would be populated from an enumeration. I found the post on extending the OrganizationUnit and followed it as best I could, but even before I get to the point of needing to display / retrieve the data from the input screen it fails to retrieve records from the database. I had entered data into the AbpOrganizationUnit table using the "out of the box" configuration prior to making the extended object. As soon as I create the extended object and put the reference in the DbContext.cs file, the call to GetAllListAsync() fails.

My extended OrganizationUnit class:

using Abp.Organizations;
using Sapphire.Enums;

namespace Sapphire.Organizations
    public class ExtendedOrganizationUnit : OrganizationUnit
        public OrganizationTypes OrganizationTypeId { get; set; } = OrganizationTypes.Administration;

in my DbContext.cs file:

public virtual DbSet<ExtendedOrganizationUnit> ExtendedOrganizationUnits { get; set; }

I ran the migration and the new column (OrganizationTypeId) is now in the table.

When I run the call:

var organizationUnits = await _organizationUnitRepository.GetAllListAsync();

it executes without any errors but returns no rows, even though prior to adding the entry in the DbContext.cs file, it would return my 8 existing rows.

Can you provide some guidance on how to resolve this?

I've searched the forum and this discussion board and haven't found any examples of how to use the CustomData property. Do you have any such examples?

Metronic has a way of creating a section header in the menu. Is there a way to create those section headers in the standard NavigationProvider MenuDefinition structure?

login is admin/123qwe

The site is at

It has several issues with resources not being found. The biggest issues are the tenant cannot be changed (page not found), UI customization won't work and calls to api/services... cannot be found. I've worked for several days trying to resolve these issue with only minor progress. Because I can't change the default theme on the website, you cannot see the menu issue I submitted. I've asked for help with these other issues without getting any real assistance.

Resolved. All top level items have to have the order: property set.

Using jQuery version on version 8.3.0

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