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Activities of "datascan"


I noticed that all the users that are imported by excel import do not have CreatorUserId populated in Database. This feature is coded in ImportUsersToExcelJob class. CreateUserAsync method did not set CreatorUserId for new user. What's the best way to access userId of user who imported excel file insided of ImportUsersToExcelJob class? AbpSession do not work and throw the following error: Abp.Authorization.AbpAuthorizationException: Current user did not login to the application!


We are thinking if we can use auth0 to handle authentication and we can just simply store our user in the DB. Let auth0 take care authentication which includes two factory authentication, password reset and third party login. Would it take a lot of effort to remove aspnet zero authentication completely and simply use auth0 as identity provider to handle it?


How to integrate AuthO to Angular+ASPnetCore Project which we brought. Can you please provide step by step on how to setup this.

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