Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "daws"

Our application is pretty big (15MB) and we would like to reduce its size. One of the things we can do is to remove the biggest unused packages.

With webpack-bundle-analyzer, we determined that the following packages are quite big :

  • All separate momentjs locales
  • momentjs min with locales
  • moment timezone
  • quill

Q1. Is it necessary to keep both momentjs AND momentjs-min ? Q2. We'd like to include only locales we need. In order to do that, we tried moment-locales-webpack-plugin + ngx-build-plus but it doesn't work on our code (even on a freshly downloaded template). Any recommendation to make it work ? Our current workaround is to replace moment locale folder with a custom locale folder post build but it's not super clean. ~~Q3. Can we safely remove quill without breaking abp features ?~~ EDIT: I just found out that someone in the team needs the primeng editor, which is based on quill, so forget about this one. Q4. How can we adjust the Web.Host server log to know which request completed in how much time ? (example : "Request finished in xx ms (<REQUEST_NAME>)"). This would help us identify which backend requests need optimization.

Our project is on aspnetzero 7.2.3, with core & angular .net framework 4.6.1

I have a dto with an enum property :

public MyEnumType MyProperty { get; set; }

with MyEnumType :

public enum MyEnumType { Undefined = 0, First = 1, Second = 2, }

In the service-proxies however, my enum is translated like this :

export enum MyEnumType { _0 = 0, _1 = 1, _2 = 2, }

Is there a way to have access to the string names of an enum in the frontend ?


does abp (CORS, etc) support the use of same port for the frontend & backend, with a different DNS ?

saying that for WAN : backend (443): frontend (443):

for IIS

  • 1 site (backend) listening on 443 but with prefix ONLY
  • 1 site (backend) listening on 443 but with prefix ONLY

i've read that is how it's done in IIS, but i wanted to be sure that there is no issue for abp about this point (since i'll have to wait few days for the dns modification)

thanks for the clarification ! (& sorry if it has already been asked)

We created a lot of custom user settings in our app using a custom SettingProvider class.

How can we allow our users to change these settings ?

We can of course update for the current session :

abp.setting.values[settingName] = settingValue;

but it's not recorded in database.

We're building an angular application with two separate web pages which share services and components.

We would like one of these pages to use the default Metronic theme (with the menu on the left side) and the other one to use the theme2 (with the menu in the topbar). Is it possible to use both themes in the same app ? We started from the zero 6.4 template.

Hello guys,

i think i already saw this question/response few months ago but i can't find it back. (sorry for my poor research)

i'm using aspnetzero 6.7 (efcore + angular).

Columns for AuditedEntity are set at the start of the table in dbmigration. Is there anyway to declare them at the end ?

maybe declaring them explicitly (+ovveride) in the class a the correct position could do the trick but i was thinking if there was anything simplier.

thanks !


for deployement, i need to install my app/server within a LAN and use it on both LAN and WAN with distinct URLs.

  • LAN server (hosting everything) :
    • ip :
    • name : server
  • version : latest aspnetzero core (angular)

i need to be accessed by LAN, which i does by

appconfig.json (client abp) :

  "remoteServiceBaseUrl": "http://server:41010",
  "appBaseUrl": "http://server",

appsettings.json (backend)

    "ServerRootAddress": "http://server:41010/",
    "ClientRootAddress": "http://server/",
    "CorsOrigins": "http://server",

that works fine.

Next step is to also allow the application to be accessible via WAN.

The required url is something like that : "" And that's where i'm blocked.

the "appBaseUrl" defined is used by CORS on server to validate the request. I either can put the "http://server" or "" but not both of them.

Do you have any idea how i can resolve that ?

knowing that ... :

  • i can't modify the existing firewall & proxy => everything should remain on :80 port for client part.
  • they want to use in LAN the short url, not the full one

the only possibility that I see is to duplicate the client/frontend in 2 separate sites, and create virtual folders on IIS to keep the same port. It seems a little bit complex.

So, my question is : can we use multiple client URL "appBaseUrl") : "http://server" "" in a single frontend app configuration, and allowing these urls in CORSORIGINS in backend ?

nb : sorry if it's a silly question, i didn't found any related question in the forum.

thanks !


I'm designing app service methods in my backend and I call them in angular through the generated service.proxies.

public class MyAppService : ApplicationService, IMyAppService
    public MyMethod(MyInput input){
public class MyInput {
    DateTime start;
    DateTime end;
    MyDto dto;
public class MyDto {
    property1 {get; set;}
    property20 {get; set;}

My issue is that, in the frontend, the dto class is split into each of its fields when generating the proxy with swagger :

    myMethod( DateTime start, DateTime end, property1, ..., property20 ) {

Can I generate it so that it doesn't split my DTO object ? Like this :

    myMethod( DateTime start, DateTime end, MyDto dto ) {

(To be more specific, one of the properties of MyDto is also a Dto. But both DTO classes are used extensively as is in the frontend)

I'm using ASP.NET zero 5.2, ASP.NET Core + Angular

Hello there !

note: this subject is not related to #817@a1b35b3f-8ba1-4fb2-b52e-551e1df08387

<ins>current status</ins> applications

  • main application
  • dasbhoard from abp
  • custom dashboard

localization sources

  • defaultLocalizationSourceName.xml (sample name, which is the main translation file from ABP)
  • App.xml (which add +/- 1000 traductions for my application)
  • other related lolacalization sources from ABP (errors etc)

Code in the application when we can select the localization source to use:

export abstract class AppComponentBase {

    //localizationSourceName = AppConsts.localization.defaultLocalizationSourceName;
    localizationSourceName = 'App';

Question : for each application, i want to use multiple sources without specifing it in each displayed text:

  • AppConsts.localization.defaultLocalizationSourceName
  • 'App'

because I use some translations from abp for common part (user panel, errors etc) and I want to avoid duplicate everything in my 'App' file.

I saw in the doc that by default this is only one source. Do you see any way to use both sources (maybe a little rewrite of localizationService) IF i care about not having duplicate keys in the list of my translation.

thanks for your help ;)

Hello everyone,

I'm looking to secure/licence/encrypt my software because it will be deployed on client side.

I want to prevent them to :

  • run the soft if they don't have a licence
  • do a reverse engineering on the code for the reverse engineering part, I use dotnetfuscator.

For the software utilisation, I was thinking about using an HASP key (sentinel dongle) which has to be plugged onto the server (usb port). There is also the fact that aspnetzero use his own "AbpZeroLicenseCode" mecanism to prevent unauthorized use of its code.

Has anyone has already thought about the use of HASP keys in the ABP environement ?

Or can we achieve the licensing with another way ? (a little bit more like "AbpZeroLicenseCode") Knowing that the client server can access in theory to internet, but could be disconnected for 2-3 days for example.

If you have any thoughts on how to prevent the execution of the software (HASP key, online licencing verification, ...) & where it's the best way to use it with abp framework; let me know ;)

thanks, daws

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