Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "deltavision"


is it possible with datatable to have "sub rows" - so you can expand the main row, and view/edit sub rows.

And if so possible - are there any samples to work from?

Best regards, Michael Vad

after first manual compile - it looks like the process automated.

The conversion of the LESS goes to the "compilerconfig.json".

So with new LESS files is it always necessary to either manual compile the first time og write to the "compilerconfig.json"


I am not quite sure of what the solution in that post is :-)

I can manually compile th LESS file by right-clicking and selecting Web Compiler...


this maybe related to #2825

Following your step-by-step (Core/MVC) - PhoneBookDemo. Created LESS file does not auto convert to CSS files when compiling.

What could be the reason?

Best regards Michael Vad

Thank you :-)

Sorry - i thought i did it...

now it is working :-)

Thank you


starting a new project and login with Admin gives the following - what is wrong?


is it possible to disable the option "New tenant" from the login screen?

Can it be done when logged in as Host - or must it be removed in code?

Showing 141 to 148 of 148 entries