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Activities of "dev_frontrush"


Any go-tos from anyone on using Telerik without a bunch of hassle on styling, binding, etc.? You guys have a great product put together here but integrations with control libraries seems to be an issue.

Are there any examples samples of data binding with Kendo for Angular 2+ with the Zero for Angular solution? Any kind of mock solution for using their grid or other data bound controls would be great, especially anything that does paging, etc.


Jeff Grizzle [email protected]

Hello all,

We saw that for the 6.7.0 release notes that you have moved away from the Web Compiler extension in favor of GULP. I am wondering of any changes that have to made on our end, since we currently are configured for Web Compiler, so we can take advantage of all the new enhancements brought on from 6.8.0's upgrade.


  • Core & Angualr .NET Zero
  • Sass (scss) pre-compiler (currently with Web Compiler extension)

We have a root /sass/ folder following the 7-in-1 architecture as well as localized scss files for components since the CLI auto-compiles those. For the root sass folder, we have the following compiler.json file:

    "outputFile": "src/assets/primeng/datatable/css/primeng.datatable.css",
    "inputFile": "src/assets/primeng/datatable/css/primeng.datatable.less"
    "outputFile": "src/assets/primeng/file-upload/css/primeng.file-upload.css",
    "inputFile": "src/assets/primeng/file-upload/css/primeng.file-upload.less"
    "outputFile": "src/assets/primeng/autocomplete/css/primeng.autocomplete.css",
    "inputFile": "src/assets/primeng/autocomplete/css/primeng.autocomplete.less"
    "outputFile": "src/assets/common/styles/themes/default/metronic-customize.css",
    "inputFile": "src/sass/themes/default/_metronic-customize.scss"
    "outputFile": "src/assets/common/styles/metronic-customize.css",
    "inputFile": "src/sass/vendors/_metronic-customize.scss"
    "outputFile": "src/assets/common/styles/metronic-customize-angular.css",
    "inputFile": "src/sass/vendors/_metronic-customize-angular.scss"
    "outputFile": "src/assets/common/styles/themes/default/metronic-customize-angular.css",
    "inputFile": "src/sass/themes/default/_metronic-customize-angular.scss"
    "outputFile": "src/assets/common/styles/themes/default/primeng.datatable.css",
    "inputFile": "src/sass/themes/default/_primeng.datatable.scss"
    "outputFile": "src/styles.css",
    "inputFile": "src/sass/base/_base.scss"
    "outputFile": "src/sass/main.css",
    "inputFile": "src/sass/main.scss"

What would we have to modify to utilize GULP, if needed, or is the Web Compiler fine continuining onwards? (With future updates, I feel the need to swap to GULP now before the application grows too large is pretty important).

Thank you!


Getting EntryPoint undefined = extract-text-webpack-plugin-output-filename errors for several css files, webpack 4 doesn't support using


Which version of the Zero framework are you using? I am trying to get setup with 6.9.1 but can't get a single control to render. The inputs render but I get a kendo.dateTimePicker is not a function error (or grid, or ...)

Are we going to have to change how we include external control libraries with every new release? Seems like we are doing a lot of refactoring with every new release. Is there an recommended upgrade path? We have our own repositories setup and it seems like when there is an upgrade a merge is always painful, especially if we skip a release or two.


What about for jQuery? It looks like you are referencing the Web.Mvc project which is for jQuery?


Sorry, that was from martin on the Core + jQuery setup; I can get them up with the Angular solution but no dice with the Core + jQuery 6.9.1, seems like it should be easier in the Core + jQuery but it is far from, it just doesn't work.


Followed this:

Kendo is not recognized. Leads me to believe there are multiple references to jQuery. None of the controls will load using razor or just Kendo UI for jQuery. Is there a sample somewhere that has the integration. We can get it going with the Angular solution but the Kendo Angular controls are lacking all of the functionality of the jQuery ones, even the Angular ones were not that straight forward to get going. Just tried with 6.9.1, still no dice. Seems like it should be a little more, ah, easy to just add a control library.

Does anyone have an example of the Anuglar component and Application service using the Kendo Angular grid with the Angular solution having a service in the Application project that has something like:

public DataSourceResult GetProducts([DataSourceRequest]DataSourceRequest request) { return productRepository.GetAll().ToDataSourceResult(request); }


Hey bobingham,

Have you setup the Kendo Angular grid using a service that uses the DataSourceRequest and DataSourceResult? An example would be awesome!


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