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Activities of "dev_frontrush"

We resolved the reported issue by updating the versions in package.json for luxon (to ^1.27.1) and nswag (to 13.12.1).

The key issue is to make sure that nswag is at least at the level specified in the target version (e.g., ^13.10.6 for 10.3).

okay, thanks for your response.

thank you! all working now.

Thank you responding. I got the angular app to select tenant by updating remoteserviceBaseUrl and ServerRootAddress to have {TENANCY_NAME}.

How do I go to tenant login page now, I would also like to have the ability to be able to set tenant by coming to a host url.

Thats it! I changed the method name to not have Get in the name and now I am seeing what I needed to see! Thank you very much for your help.

The resulting method is generated in the service-proxies.ts file similar to below:

getSomeResult(filter: string | null | undefined, firstName: string | null | undefined, lastName: string | null | undefined, satOperator: NumericComparisonOperator | null | undefined, etc,)  {  ....   }

while it is defined in the C# API code similar to this:

 public async Task<PagedResultDto<SomeResponseDto>> GetSomeResult(MyLargeInputDto input) {  ...  }

Some details about my dto in question are as follows: There are approximately 50 properties. The types are decimal?, List<int>, string, int?, bool?, DateTime, and NumericComparisonOperator.

NumericComparisonOperator is defined as follows:

namespace SomeNamspace.Common.Dto
    /// <summary>
    /// NumericComparisonOperator
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// NumericComparisonOperator specifies accepted values for numeric comparison operators
    /// </remarks>
    public enum NumericComparisonOperator
        LessThan = -2,
        LessThanEqualTo = -1,
        Equal = 0,
        GreaterThanEqualTo = 1,
        GreaterThan = 2

Note, it is interesting that the NumericComparisonOperator enum is present in the service-proxies.ts file.

I have also tried removing the IShouldNormalize interface, and the associated Normalize method with no change in the proxy file.

Unfortunately, I do not think this will be possible. Is there an alternative that you could suggest?

Yes, the method is listed in the interface for this service.

Version: 7.0.0 Angular/.Net Core

dto class is defined as follows:

public class MyLargeDto : PagedAndSortedInputDto, IShouldNormalize {
      public void Normalize()
            if (Sorting.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                Sorting = "Id ASC";
        //lots of properties, some are string, bool? and other primitives, other are based off of other classes

nswag/refresh.bat is working fine for other API methods and dto's.

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