Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "deventerprise"

Seems like the script tag for reCAPTCHA on the login page no longer renders on the latest version.

In the browser the tag is not replaced.

The faulty script tag also seems to wrap other script tags present in the layout.

I need to be able to disable all the middleware for calls being made to a certain application service class.

The service is an API for a mobile application and constantly responds with a HTML page for 500 status errors. This includes bearer tokens expiring throwing 500's with socket exceptions and and repository validation errors also bubbling to the client as HTML pages with a 500 status. This makes it impossible to determine what a genuine server errors where it could simply be a 400 for bad input or a 401 for expired tokens etc.

Hoe do I stop all issues being a 500, and how to I stop a web API fom responding with an HTML page?

I'm creating a new API controller for a client to use, I want to disable the built-in error handling for bad parameters (so that I can return a 400 - Bad Request instead of a 500) and also need to prevent any results from being wrapped inside a result property.

I've tried [DisableValidation] and [DontWrapResult] on the controller as well as the controller methods but it does not seem to have any effect. How can I do this otherwise?

Experiencing two obvious issues when publishing the application live, these do not occur during development.

  1. A CSS file fails to load (metronic-customize.min.css). It seems like a minified version of the origial file is not created. There are two that are trying to get loaded, /Common/Styles/Themes/default/metronic-customize.min.css and /Common/Styles/metronic-customize.min.css
  2. The default dashboard does not load correctly with te JS error in host-dashboard-libs.min.js "Uncaught Error: Invalid dimensions for plot, width = 745.313, height = 0"

These occured in version 6.4 and still after updating to 6.5. Are these known issues?

I have a similar requirement to this:

I do not want the users to select the tenant and neither do I want to provide multiple URL's/domains. Users will register and login with a unique email address (disabling username completely) and select the tenant they are registering for from a drop-down. From the login details you could determine the tenant since it's in the database table, problem is you need the tenant up-front to actually login.

Is there any way to autmatically set the tenant based on a successfull login WITHOUT providing a tenant and using the tenant associated with the user account? When a user registers they will select the tenant from a list on the registration page so there is no need to be on a domain or select it separately for a session.

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