Base solution for your next web application

Activities of "dexmox"

The document in their tutorial is correct. Hope this helps for more clarity

These are the steps I use:

Download updated Framework.

Update Node JS - if required Update Yarn - if required update npm "npm install -g npm@latest" - if required SDK's - if required

Steps :

  1. Checkout Framework-Master (this is just a branch with the download extracted from anz page - Usually the last update I did)
  2. Delete all files from Framework-Master and paste new framework base (the updated files from download page)
  3. git add .
  4. git commit -m "Framework 9.3.0 - Initial" (whatever version you downloaded)
  5. git push
  6. Before opening the solution, open a command prompt, navigate to root directory of *.Web.Mvc project and run "yarn" command to install client side dependencies yarn Important Notice: Installing client side npm dependencies using yarn before opening the solution will decrease project opening & building time dramatically.
  7. Open web project build solution
  8. Change appsetting.json db connection string (point to blank db)
  9. Build Solution Web.Mvc
  10. Open terminal to your_project_name\src\your_project_name.EntityFrameworkCore
  11. run database update (dotnet ef database update)
  12. Before running the project, we need to run a npm task to bundle and minify the CSS and JavaScript files. In order to do that, we can open a command prompt, navigate to root directory of *.Web.Mvc project and run "npm run create-bundles" command. This command should be run when a new npm package is being added to the solution.
  13. Run Mvc.Web
  14. Terminal into root folder your_project_name (src folder should be visible).
  15. git add .
  16. git commit -m "Framework 9.3.0 - Working"
  17. git push
  18. Clone a remote branch master and switch to it: git checkout -b Framework-v9.3.0 origin/Framework-Master
  19. Run the Web.Mvc, ensure it launches properly.
  20. Merge master into new Framework-v9.3.0
  21. Resolve conflics

Just putting the solution here for anyone else with this issue.

@ismcagdas said:

It seems like gulp-less doesn't have a solution for this.

We suggest you copy the related css file to your wwwroot folder, change its content (remote related line which starts with Alpha ) and use it instead of using it from node_modules.

As I can see, jquery-ui is not used in AspNet Zero anymore.

Thanks for the help @ismcagdas :) have a great day!


Tried Latest LTS Version: 14.17.1 (includes npm 6.14.13) - Failed to build.

Current Version : 6.14.4 (NPM) Node 13.14.0 - Failed to build.

Thanks again.


Dont know if this helps you but I had a similar problem back a while ago - I dont use angular though.

However I cant remember exactly what it was - but fixing the script issue fixed that problem.

I think it was to do with Swal (cant be sure though) hope this helps some.

Hi @ismcagdas,

I've managed to work it out =)


Hi @ismcagdas,

Thanks for getting back to me :)

I have deleted node_modules, tried both npm and yarn seperately - deleted yarn lock and package lock files to ensure clean re-builds.

I clean installed node.js on my work dev machine and it also failed with same error. Reverting to an earlier node.js/npm version on work machine and then running npm run create-bundles completed without error - but did not re-create the jquery-ui.css file).

I downloaded a clean ANZ template and imported the same packages then tried npm run create-bundles and it also failed with same error.


Have you checked here ?

Again, Thank you for your time to read over this.

Following on my above, the only way I can get it to populate a report with data is by:

  • setting the data source manually
  • using a custom query string

There has to be an easier way to achieve my desired outcome right ?

Example scenario again for reference: I want a report for Completed Sales that is filtered by current Tenant and creation time.

If someone could provide a working example that uses a Table Report and queries an SQL Table with a tenantId parameter and date parameter (that is not using a URL using url App/SampleReport?tenantId=2) it would be greatly appreciated.

Updated Controller

public IActionResult CompletedSales()
    return View(CreateReport());        
private XtraReport CreateReport()
    // Create a new report instance.
    XtraReport report = new CompletedSales();

    // Assign the data source to the report.
    report.DataSource = BindToData();
    report.DataMember = "customQuery";

    return report;
private SqlDataSource BindToData()
    // Create a data source with the required connection parameters.  
    MsSqlConnectionParameters connectionParameters = new MsSqlConnectionParameters(
        ".\\SQLExpress", "ExampleDb", "sa", "supersecurepassword", MsSqlAuthorizationType.SqlServer);
    SqlDataSource ds = new SqlDataSource(connectionParameters);

    // Create an SQL query to access the Products table.
    CustomSqlQuery query = new CustomSqlQuery();
    query.Name = "customQuery";
    query.Sql = "SELECT * FROM CompletedSales";

    // Add the query to the collection. 

    // Make the data source structure displayed  
    // in the Field List of an End-User Report Designer. 

    return ds;

Hi @ismcagdas ,

I have located and resolved the issue, Thank you for your time and assistance.

Somehow a few of the datatables scripts and translations were missing. Once I located this, I placed them back into the correct location and this resolved the issue.

However, to locate the issue I had to find out where it was getting stuck - Is it possible in future that Gulp could be a bit more verbose to show it could not locate a file to process ?

Another solution from Gulp would be:

When an invalid glob is given in globs, throws an error with the message, "Invalid glob argument". To suppress this error, set the allowEmpty option to true.

Gulp - Explaining Globs

Avoid using Node's path methods, like path.join, to create globs. On Windows, it produces an invalid glob because Node uses \ as the separator. Also avoid the __dirname global, __filename global, or process.cwd() for the same reasons.

I also noticed when going through the gulpfile.js and the vynl-fs index.js file these pathing methods are used, not sure if it is much to be concerned with but just thought I would mention it.

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