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Hi @ismcagdas<span class="colour" style="color: rgb(33, 37, 41);">  Nope, we did not add or did anything cache-related.</span>


The problem is because we have to run multiple instances of same solution on the server and each instance can't just reserve 600MB. Do you have some improvement suggestions to decrease the memory load, like disabling some features (like chat, etc). or using caching at some point? On this link you can download memory dump file (976 MB):

It works! Thank you.

I added for each method in AppService interface Http atribute, still the same.

I did that but only for one method. Should I add to every method?

It looks like it was a bug in our code. Sorry cause disturbing.

Yes it will call it as many times as many Services(controllers) we have in the application.

Is there any solution/recommendation for this problem?

We found out that delay cause call constructor class {ProjectName}AppServiceBase as many times as many services we have on the first app load. Since we have around 100 services that cause delay of at least a minute. Also, this happens if we make a request via Postman. We made a test with clean ASP NET Zero framework and situation is same except it is faster because there are fewer services, what is interesting in that case if we make a particular request via Postman {ProjectName}AppServiceBase class is instanced once only. This is becoming business-critical so help be very appreciated. Thanks in advance!

We were testing this but did not help. We also notice that after site restart first load takes few minutes. Do you know why that happens?

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