My unit tests fails because I have nvarchar(max) in models and I am getting following error: Message: Microsoft.Data.Sqlite.SqliteException : SQLite Error 1: 'near "MAX": syntax error'.
So, SQLLite do not support nvarchar(max), which solution you prefer in this case?
Is it posible to automatically apply migrations (update database) on application start? I tried with context.Database.Migrate() but I am getting an error - "System.InvalidOperationException: 'The connection is already in a transaction and cannot participate in another transaction.'"
How can I read properties from appsettings.json (appsettings.production.json) inside x.Application project services? I need access to connection string beside other variables. I am using dotnet core api + angular solution
I set recptcha keys like this in appsettings.production.json: "Recaptcha": { "SiteKey":"6Lfp2ZoUAAAAAFWALpcMDmpXHp0slBhO8oEpbEIC", "SecretKey":"6Lfp2ZoUAAAAALXhCVGZswdrW-VV72zLoliopUlv" }
production test site is hosted on azurewebsite so it is basclly subdomain, example: But I am still getting an error: ERROR for site owner: Invalid domain for site key
Can you help please it is urgent.
I disabled multitenancy but it looks like I can not add a language since I am not logged in as Host. Is there any procedure for this?
We have list of language names, and when we create language we chose name from this list. Is it possible to add new or edit and delete current language names in this list?
I have table Entity which is connected to many tables. I set up on every relationship cascade delete. I also use boilerplate soft delete on table Entity first. Then I try to use HardDelete() to delete entity permanently. Here is code:
var entity = await _entityRepository.GetAsync(id);
await _entityRepository.HardDeleteAsync(entity);
This is error that I get:
SqlException: The Database ID 14, Page (1:2119), slot 0 for LOB data type node does not exist. This is usually caused by transactions that can read uncommitted data on a data page. Run DBCC CHECKTABLE.
I try also DBCC CHECKDB, and don't get any error.
When I try to run Migrator project I got this error:
Unhandled Exception: Castle.MicroKernel.Handlers.HandlerException: Can't create component 'PROJECT.EntityFrameworkCore.PROJECTEntityFrameworkCoreModule' as it has dependencies to be satisfied.
'PROJECT.EntityFrameworkCore.PROJECTEntityFrameworkCoreModule' is waiting for the following dependencies:
I have iplemented soft delete for some table. And when I want to delete some things permanently, I disabled soft delete and call HardDelete function. But that don't work. Is there way for this situation to use hard delete?
I have an issue with AbpEntityPropertyChanges table. Records are being added when new entity is created but not when it is updated. AbpEntityChanges works perfectly fine. Do you have any hint regading that?