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Activities of "digitalcontrol"

Is it posible to automatically apply migrations (update database) on application start? I tried with context.Database.Migrate() but I am getting an error - "System.InvalidOperationException: 'The connection is already in a transaction and cannot participate in another transaction.'"

How can I read properties from appsettings.json (appsettings.production.json) inside x.Application project services? I need access to connection string beside other variables. I am using dotnet core api + angular solution

It was my mistake, everything I did fine but backend was not published correctly :)

I set recptcha keys like this in appsettings.production.json: "Recaptcha": { "SiteKey":"6Lfp2ZoUAAAAAFWALpcMDmpXHp0slBhO8oEpbEIC", "SecretKey":"6Lfp2ZoUAAAAALXhCVGZswdrW-VV72zLoliopUlv" }

production test site is hosted on azurewebsite so it is basclly subdomain, example: But I am still getting an error: ERROR for site owner: Invalid domain for site key

Can you help please it is urgent.

I disabled multitenancy but it looks like I can not add a language since I am not logged in as Host. Is there any procedure for this?

I was not talking about languages, rather I was talking about language names. When you open a popup to create or edit language you have two combo boxes, in which you can choose language name, and display name. These two combo boxes are filled with data that we get with service from a backend. So, can we change this data or add a new one? Where this data is stored?

Try in CoreModule file to comment this line.

if (DebugHelper.IsDebug)
        //Disabling email sending in debug mode
        Configuration.ReplaceService<IEmailSender, NullEmailSender>(DependencyLifeStyle.Transient);

I am not 100%, but it seems it's a problem with database data.

It was mistake on mine part. Thank you.


We have list of language names, and when we create language we chose name from this list. Is it possible to add new or edit and delete current language names in this list?

Showing 41 to 50 of 58 entries